Month: June 2009

Gaming Podcast 129: My WalkmanGaming Podcast 129: My Walkman

This week is full of crazy energy. We seem to have gone 100% Sony on news chatter but we level that out with some great community feedback about our question of the week. We hit a little Burgertime action in our gaming flashback and bust through some Data East company history.

  • podcast-200x200Analyst says Sony Motion Control beats MS Natal
  • Sony dropping the PS3 price?
  • EA heading for a takeover?
  • Sony backing Home
  • Sony making a PSP Phone?
  • Sony Exclusives not anything great

This week we’re asking the question, what is your favorite end-boss in a video game from todays games to the past classics?

Gaming Podcast 128: ProducaGaming Podcast 128: Produca

This weeks gaming podcast tackles the history of Full Throttle and the history of the SCUMM script system created for Maniac Mansion. We’re also hitting up some game news, talking a bit more about games that have changed our lives and taking to heart some great user comments.

This weeks question of the week is of the user-submitted style! Krud asks, “If you could only play four games (w/o new DLC for the foreseeable future), what four would you choose?”

Gaming Podcast 127: I Like The Open Hand ActionGaming Podcast 127: I Like The Open Hand Action

This weeks gaming podcast includes a lot of fun, we’re a bit silly and having a good time. We flash back to Maniac Mansion and cover some history on LucasFilm Games also known as LucusArts. We’re diving head-long into some great community submissions for the best and worst controllers of all time. This weeks news includes:

This week Don has doubled up, first we’ve got a poll for you to answer! What’s do you prefer: Star Wars Games or Final Fantasy Games? Question of the Week: What is the best game you have ever played and, if you want to answer the next part you can also let us know why you believe it’s changed your life!

Gaming Podcast 126: Wii-niss EnvyGaming Podcast 126: Wii-niss Envy

This week we’re finishing our E3 reactions along with our reaction to the recent iPhone/iPod Touch news and their new gaming initiative. Our gaming flashback flies back to After Burner and our game history is all about Yu Suzuki a huge SEGA developer. The news this week includes:

  • podcast-200x200Some of the big announcements from Sony’s E3 Press Conference
  • Some of the big announcements from Nintendo’s E3 Conference
  • Microsoft envisions 10 year lifespan for Xbox 360
  • Activision Disappointed by no price cuts at E3
  • Michael Pachter thinks the motion control from Sony and Microsoft won’t topple the Wii
  • iPhone/iPod Touch 3.0 Firmware enhances gaming features

Don’s question of the week, what is your favorite controller and what game controller do you hate the most? Thanks for the GREAT responses to last weeks question, so many creative answers.

Gaming Podcast 125: HologramsGaming Podcast 125: Holograms

This week we’re tackling a very small bit of E3 news because our recording occurs on Monday night. We did, however, get a bit of Microsoft E3 news and do not worry, we found lots of other great topics to discuss this week. We also tackle some great user write-ins and other crazy stuff.

This weeks history: The Bard’s Tale and we’re taking a look at what Satoru Iwata has done for Nintendo and the shoes he had to replace. The question of the week is crazy this time around, if you played the Video Gamer class in an RPG, what attributes and abilities would you have?