Month: November 2009

Gaming Podcast 149: Soloing as a CoupleGaming Podcast 149: Soloing as a Couple

This week’s gaming podcast, we’re missing Don as he’s too busy having a new child. We’re rolling as a duo and cranking through the history of Super Mario Bros. and reviewing the New Super Mario Bros. Wii all while handing some great community questions and busting through some key stories this week:

  • No Diablo 3 in 2010
  • Android may not be a gaming platform
  • Sony making big moves with the PS3
  • Microsoft facing possible class action lawsuit
  • ArenaNet’s Founder Starts a New MMO company
  • Nintendo Losing Vice President of Consumer Affairs

This week’s question of the week: Is there a game that you didn’t really enjoy, or almost couldn’t stand, but felt obligated to finish just on principle?

Gaming Podcast 148: Games I Don’t Like PlayingGaming Podcast 148: Games I Don’t Like Playing

This weeks gaming podcast covers a few top news stories that inspire tons of discussion, we tackle some user feedback and comments, answers of the week and flashback to Archon: The Light and the Dark. We’re also going to review Netflix for the PlayStation 3 for those thinking of ordering the disc from Netflix. This weeks news includes:

This week’s question of the week: what was the best game you played that after playing it, you thought to yourself, “That was good. I’m never playing it again”?

Gaming Podcast 147: DramaGaming Podcast 147: Drama

This week we’re talking about some gaming news, TV and media, flashing back to Marble Madness and looking at the historical development career of one Mark Cerny. Here are this weeks news links:

Not only do we hate Halloween, but we’re asking another question of the week: what game are you looking forward to for the holidays?

Gaming Podcast 146: There is No CakeGaming Podcast 146: There is No Cake

We’re looking back at Bubble Bobble and the history of Valve Corporation. In gaming podcast news, we’re kicking in a few hot stories with some great opinionated comments. Unfortunately, we had no community comments this week. This weeks news includes:

This week’s question of the week: How do you consume your television or movie media? Netflix, streaming, tiro, buy, theatre, hulu, etc.