Month: August 2010

Gaming Podcast 187: Poor WalmartGaming Podcast 187: Poor Walmart

This weeks podcast covers some news, as the usual, a gaming flashback about Mach Rider on the NES and the cassette loader from the old NES days (in Japan). Aside from community comments, we’ve also got this news lineup:

  • Nintendo Drops DSi and DSi XL prices
  • Acclaim has died
  • Sony changing their mobile target audience
  • Best Buy and Target getting into the used games business
  • Xbox Live subscription increasing

This weeks question of the week, are storylines important in video games (more so than graphics) and, what game do you believe will go down as the best storyline based game in your opinion.

Gaming Podcast 186: Fu DogsGaming Podcast 186: Fu Dogs

Find out why you couldn’t shoot your sword again in Deadly Towers in this episode of the gaming podcast. This week we’re getting some community feedback on what they think should go in a collectors edition game pack. For news this week, we’re tackling:

This weeks Question of the Week: Would a full destructible game environment effect the game industry, breed new experiences and create new genre’s of games? Or just be yet another feature.

Gaming Podcast 185: Eat, Drink and PlayGaming Podcast 185: Eat, Drink and Play

This week we’re recording a gaming podcast! Oh wait, that’s like every week. We’re reading some comments, handling some history and news and busting through the news which includes:

This weeks question of the week, what would you put in a collectors edition box set?

Gaming Podcast 184: Just like Johnny DeppGaming Podcast 184: Just like Johnny Depp

Gaming Podcast, we get some impressions about gaming reviews and media from our listeners while tackling the gaming flashback 10-Yard Fight for the arcade and NES. We ran out of time on our four stories and didn’t get our gaming history in yet.

This weeks question of the week, what do you think of blaming video game failures on the economy?