Month: December 2010

Gaming Podcast 203: Super Meat PodcastGaming Podcast 203: Super Meat Podcast

This week we’re enjoying our last 2010 gaming podcast, Jonah, Jennifer and Derrick are cracking through some of the latest news releases for this year and pondering what comes next. Our flashback includes Miner 2049er and the remaining history on the Atari console platforms. The news of the week includes:

This week’s question of the week, pretty simple: What are you looking forward to in 2011 in terms of video games and the industry?

Gaming Podcast 202: Eggnog BathGaming Podcast 202: Eggnog Bath

This week we’re creating our last gaming podcast before Christmas, no holiday break for us! We’re reading some of our community comments and taking a look back at both Pac-Land and the history of Atari post-2600 release. This weeks news includes:

This week’s question of the week is really simply, have a good holiday. Unless you want to answer the question, “where do you roast your chestnuts for the holidays?”

Gaming Podcast 201: Just A Day EarlyGaming Podcast 201: Just A Day Early

This episode starts with an MMO focus and ends with community feedback, we’re looking back at an MMO that never made it to life: Ultima X. We give a quick and dirty first-look at Cataclysm, the next World of Warcraft expansion. This episode arrives on day early as Derrick is flying off to Germany early this week on business. This weeks news includes:

This week’s question of the week, “as 2011 approaches, what game really surprised you this past year?”

Gaming Podcast 200: Farewell, DonGaming Podcast 200: Farewell, Don

This week we’ve got the community trivia questions for Don and Derrick along with plenty of commentary around the questions themselves. While we did spend a portion of the show on the trivia, we were able to hit some news and such as well. We were able to get Jonah on the show in his hotel to help out with some of the questions and news.

Thanks to all that have listened up through episode 200 and for all those comments we’ve received. We never thought we’d actually have people write in when we started, so this is awesome.