Sony: PSN Matchmaking “In a Few Days”Sony: PSN Matchmaking “In a Few Days”
While full PlayStation Network service is expected to return by May 31, Eurogamer is reporting that an internal Sony source is promising that online matchmaking will be up “in a few days”.
SCE corporate communications director Patrick Seybold would not confirm this, only stating:
“We’re working to get the network back on as soon as we can.”
An unnamed PlayStation Europe community manager has confirmed that Sony is prioritizing online play, and getting online matchmaking up as soon as possible.
According to a tweet from Musterbuster:
“Once again, 31st May is the date for FULL restoration of PSN services. Restoration is phased. Online gaming will return BEFORE May 31st.”
We’ll keep following the story as it happens. Soon, PS3 gamers will finally be able to hack enemies to pieces with Kratos online in Mortal Kombat.