Month: April 2012

Episode 261: Where in the World is Gaming Podcast?Episode 261: Where in the World is Gaming Podcast?

This week is another bountiful podcast as the crew has a surprisingly long discussion about this week’s Gaming Flashback, Make Trax. The guys also discuss 1990’s kids shows like Reading Rainbow and Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? The contest winner for a copy of Magicka is also revealed, as some magical books are discussed.

In the news:

  • Rumor: Wii U will cost Nintendo $180 and retail for $300
  • Online petition calls for end to Tera ‘censorship’ in EU
  • Videogame-only Kickstarter alternative debuting at E3 2012
  • NPD: 40% of freemium players pay for in-game upgrades

Interestingly enough, the day after the podcast was recorded, the gore slider issue was resolved.

We also have some great Reader Feedback, but no contest or question this week. Sorry, folks!

Episode 260: CivilizationsEpisode 260: Civilizations

This week is packed full of gaming goodness, as the winner of the Civilization V contest is revealed. If that weren’t enough, the news items for the week invoked a lot of conversation:

  • New Halo 4 multiplayer details revealed
  • EA dismisses “big layoffs” claim, always “growing and morphing”
  • Rumor: Microsoft finding new ways to “monetize” Xbox Live

The podcast also features some great, heartwarming Reader Feedback as well as a new contest to win a code for Magicka. The question of the week, “What books featuring magic do you like the best?”

Episode 259: Happy Happy Joy JoyEpisode 259: Happy Happy Joy Joy

This week, there’s only one news item, but that’s because Jonah Falcon returns from PAX East 2012 to discuss the games he managed to check out and even play, including Assassin’s Creed 3, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Civilization V: Gods & Kings, Max Payne 3, Spec Ops: The Line, Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor, Borderlands 2, Penny Arcade Adventures Episode 3, Orcs Must Die! 2, Tera, Solitaire Blitz, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Mark of the Ninja and Code Hero.

The show does cover one news item:

  • Zelnick regrets predicting THQ’s demise in six months

Finally, a new contest: win a free copy of Civilization V Special Edition on Steam. To win it, just state what your favorite civilization in history is and why. All that and Reader Feedback and a special surprise at the end!

Episode 258: New BloodEpisode 258: New Blood

Because you asked for it, the podcast features four guys, including Jonah Falcon, Paul S. Nowak, Jordan Lund, and Dan Quick. This is the no frills edition, however, as due to travel to PAX East, there’s no Gaming Flashback, and only a few news items.

They include:

We also include Reader Feedback. We’ll have a Question of the Week next week, we promise.