Month: May 2012

Episode 264: This Podcast is DRM-FreeEpisode 264: This Podcast is DRM-Free

This week is full of gaming goodness as E3 slowly creeps up like kudzu, but there’s still plenty to talk about this week. For one, the Gaming Flashback is the classic Infocom game Planetfall.

The news for the week:

  • DICE has Frostbite-powered titles for 2013 that “will require a 64-bit OS”
  • Actors confirm return to recording booth for Mass Effect 3
  • CD Projekt RED: The truth is DRM does not work
  • Potential $1 billion suit against EA by former student-athletes moves forward

All that and Reader Feedback. This week’s Question of the Week, “Have you ever wanted a game but didn’t buy it due to DRM?”

Episode 263: Play Alter EgoEpisode 263: Play Alter Ego

This week lacks Paul, but has plenty of good show, as Jordan refuses to believe in the magic of the old adventure game Alter Ego. This week’s game of the week is inspired by the Kickstarter reboot, as the gang discusses the classic Battle Chess.

As for the news:

All this, plus Reader Feedback and the Question of the Week, “What is your favorite free-to-play game?”

Episode 262: But Not a Dollar ShortEpisode 262: But Not a Dollar Short

Episode 262 may be a week late, but it’s definitely chock full ‘o podcast goodness, as the full crew rambles on and off subject about this and that. This week’s Gaming Flashback is the old coin-op arcade game Star Castle while begat Yars’ Revenge, with a twist ending to the classic game’s tale.

This week’s news items include:

  • EA deals with Rock Band iOS debacle
  • Microsoft “banned” in Germany
  • Analyst predicts 3.5M sales of Diablo III in first year of release
  • Report: Next Xbox already in production

All that, plus Reader Feedback and the Question of the Week, “What Kickstarter project have you backed or are most interested in buying?”