Episode 272: Whinny 8Episode 272: Whinny 8
This week’s Gaming Podcast deals with Jordan Lund discussing how much negative flak Windows 8 has been getting, Daniel Quick being his usual Canadian self, Paul Nowak returning triumphantly, and Jonah Falcon just taking infamy in stride. This week’s Gaming Flashback is the derided Super Pitfall! for the NES.
As far as the news:
- “Super-slim” PS3 will be a no-show at Gamescom
- UbiSoft claims lack of new consoles penalizes creativity
- Diablo III ‘God mode’ exploit for Wizard discovered
- EA: Nintendo “on track to become primarily a software company”
- Electronic Arts settles in Madden and NCAA monopoly suit
There is no Question of the Week – rather, the crew is waiting to hear your questions for them instead.