Month: August 2012

Episode 277: Win Borderlands 2 ContestEpisode 277: Win Borderlands 2 Contest

This week’s Gaming Podcast is exciting as we’re giving away a copy of the Xbox 360 version of Borderlands 2, which Jordan Lund drools over, while Jonah Falcon urges players to check out Kerbal Space Program. The Gaming Flashback is none other than the classic The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.

As far as game news:

  • Guild Wars 2 suffering serious issues during Headstart
  • Ex-IGDA chair frustrated with post-launch monetization
  • DICE quadruples Battlefield 3 servers for 360, PS
  • Peter Moore sez DLC backlash is from older gamers

Finally, the Question of the Week is, “What is your favorite game from the decade of the 2000’s”. For some help, check out this article.

Episode 276: Covered in ConcreteEpisode 276: Covered in Concrete

Paul is not in the podcast, and will be out for the next couple of weeks as he recovers from major surgery. In the meantime, the podcast chugs on with three podcasters, as Jordan relays what he thought of the Sony Gamescom 2012 press conference.

In the meantime, the news items include:

All that plus Reader Feedback wishing Paul well (sorry, Kizer, we didn’t moderate your message til after recording), as well as this week’s Question of the Week, “When is the right time to cut the price of a console?”

Episode 275: Circus MusicEpisode 275: Circus Music

This week’s Gaming Podcast is bittersweet as this is the last episode Paul S. Nowak will be appearing in for a while as he goes in for serious surgery. In the meantime, the Gaming Flashback is the classic PlayStation 2 game Ico.

This week’s news includes:

  • Deep Silver: “Family” trailer didn’t sell Dead Island, co-op did
  • DICE: Battlefield 4 isn’t set in the future, talks Bad Company 3
  • CEO claims World of Tanks was dismissed as “cheap Asian stuff”
  • Alleged “Microsoft Xbox Durango Development Kit” sold on eBay for $20,100
  • NCSoft’s lawsuit against En Masse over Tera assets settled

This week’s Question of the Week, “Do you consider social networking games real MMOs?”

Episode 274: ShrinkydinksEpisode 274: Shrinkydinks

This week’s episode features the crew heavily reminiscing about videogames that first got them excited about the hobby, while Jordan Lund surprisingly takes a contrary opinion that shocks the other podcasters. In addition to videogame news, the Gaming History takes a look at the Nintendo 64DD.

This week’s news includes:

  • Star Wars: The Old Republic going free-to-play in Fall
  • Report: Next Xbox console will support Windows 8
  • Paul Dini no longer penning Rocksteady Batman games
  • 2K exec thinks photorealism is necessary for emotional games
  • Borderlands 2 worldwide release will be “uncut

This week’s Question of the Week, “When was the first time that you really got into video games?”

Episode 273: Flinging GutsEpisode 273: Flinging Guts

This week’s Gaming Podcast is a fairly routine one, with no Gaming Flashback or even a Question of the Week. However, this week features a ton of great news and industry discussion. Paul also announces that he will be unable to do the podcast in a few weeks for an extended period of time due to surgery.

The news items for the week includes:

  • Yoshida admits absence of Vita at E3 was a mistake
  • Irrational Games now includes 85+ Metacritic game requirement for employment
  • UbiSoft patches UPlay rootkit issue
  • Paradox Interactive announces dungeon builder Impire
  • EA: Current CEO John Riccitiello’s job is secure

All that plus Reader Feedback, check it out.