Day: December 11, 2012

Episode 290: No One Listens ForeverEpisode 290: No One Listens Forever

No Paul this week, no Gaming Flashback this week – just Jonah, Dan and Jordan discussing a ton of news items where Jonah expresses shock that Jordan had never heard of No One Lives Forever.

The items this week include:

  • Wii U sells 1.2 games per console
  • BioWare was planning spy action title in 2009
  • Sony Santa Monica outline reasons for sticking with God of War franchise
  • Hitman Facebook app removed for off-color joke
  • Activision: Black Ops II grossed $1 billion in 15 Days
  • Spike VGA 2012: The Phantom Pain announced, probably MGS5

This week’s Question of the Week: “What’s the most offensive thing you’ve seen in a videogame?”