Month: March 2013

Episode 303: BioShock Infinite Giveaway TimeEpisode 303: BioShock Infinite Giveaway Time

This week we’re giving away a free copy of BioShock Infinite for the Xbox 360! How do you win? Well, simply post a good comment! The contest winner will be announced two weeks from now.

In the meantime, the Gaming Flashback this time is the PlayStation One classic Chrono Cross, while Paul tries desperately to avoid listening to BioShock Infinite spoilers.

This week’s news includes:

  • THQ’s UDraw failure “invalidatedSaints Row: The Third‘s success
  • Levine: BioShock Infinite cost $100M to develop, and $100M to market
  • American McGee doesn’t “see anything meaningful” in the PS4, SimCity players “need to relax”
  • Schafer’s Double Fine Adventure project from Kickstarter is now Broken Age
  • Capcom announces DuckTales Remastered, developed by WayForward

All this and some Reader Feedback.

Episode 302: Just a TwosomeEpisode 302: Just a Twosome

This week Jonah and Jordan go it alone without Paul, which is unfortunately since the Gaming Flashback is the classic Nintendo 64 title Paper Mario. It might be just as well as the events of the last week made the crew ramble on about the industry at length, making the post much longer than usual.

This week’s impressive news items:

  • John Riccitiello steps down as CEO of Electronic Arts
  • Firaxis announces Brave New World expansion for Civilization V
  • Will fans back an Alice 3 Kickstarter, asks American McGee
  • Lord British explains Shroud of the Avatar‘s offline gameplay and DRM
  • Facebook of Italian automobile company mentionsGran Turismo PS4″
  • Team Meat sitting out on developing for next-gen consoles

Lots of Reader Feedback, but no Question of the Week this week – just too much show.

Episode 300: The Third CenturyEpisode 300: The Third Century

The landmark 300th episode is here, and while we only got one special guest, Dan Quick, it’s still a jam-packed episode. In this episode, Jordan continues to pine for Half-Life 3, male full frontal nudity gets discussed, and Paul claims he invented the term “Whosphere”. This weeks’ Gaming Flashback is Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance.

The news items include:

  • The Last of Us features Naughty Dog’s “longest ever” campaign
  • Sony confirms 4K movie service for PS4
  • BioShock Infinite‘s ending may cause controversy
  • Ubisoft confirms Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

There’s a ton of Listener Feedback as well as the Question of the Week, “What was your favorite moment in the TD Gaming Podcast over the years?”