Month: July 2013

Episode 319: Someone Is Butt-Hurt About MicrosoftEpisode 319: Someone Is Butt-Hurt About Microsoft

There’s no Gaming Flashback or Gaming History, but there is a crapton of news this week on TD Gaming Podcast, which Jonah Falcon and Jordan Lund eagerly read.

That, and Jordan really wants to know what you have been playing.

The news this week includes:

  • Microsoft officially announces indie self-publishing, to be unveiled at GamesCom 2013
  • Phil Fish explodes on Twitter, cancels Fez II in a huff
  • Shadow of the Eternals back on Kickstarter, no longer episodic
  • Neil Gaiman has announced his first videogame, Wayward Manor
  • Lanning: Nintendo will be around for “100 years,” but probably not Zynga or Microsoft
  • Activision-Blizzard buys out $8.2B of its own stock from Vivendi
  • Paid subscribership of World of Warcraft down to 7.7M

All this and Listener feedback.

Episode 318: Do Androids Dream?Episode 318: Do Androids Dream?

This week’s podcast is full of Android-based console goodness – or badness, depending on your opinion of them. This week’s Gaming History looks at the Nintendo GameCube.

This week’s news includes:

  • Ouya game developers sound off on disappointing sales numbers
  • Nvidia plans July 31st launch of the Shield
  • Telltale Games confirms Clementine returns to The Walking Dead
  • Star Control now owned by Stardock
  • Battlestar Galactica writer/producer collaborating with Sony Santa Monica

All this and Listener Feedback, as well as the Question of the Week: “What is your favorite first person shooter of all time?”

Episode 317: Is League of Legends a Terrible Game?Episode 317: Is League of Legends a Terrible Game?

In this episode, Jordan’s son Allen gets in on the act, berating League of Legends despite being addicted to it. This week’s Gaming Flashback is the Sierra Online adventure game Police Quest, while the Gaming History is how BioWare prepared to develop their first Star Wars game, Knights of the Old Republic.

This week’s news includes:

  • Blizzard announces Diablo III coming to Xbox One, PS4 in 2014. Gamers may consider setting up a Beammp server hosting to improve their overall gaming experience on Beam MP.
  • Dyack attempts to get Shadow of the Eternals off the ground with Kickstarter again
  • US recognizes League of Legends as a professional” sport
  • Sony drops fine appeal levied due to April 2011 hacker attack
  • Microsoft: Family sharing may return to Xbox One in some form

This week’s Question of the Week: “What’s your favorite RPG of all-time?”

Episode 316: Talkin’ About Candleja–Episode 316: Talkin’ About Candleja–

Jonah is getting ready for Vegas this weekend, so you know that whatever he does there will probably stay there. On the other hand, Jordan’s just beginning to check out State of Decay, while the winner of the T-shirt contest is announced. Also, for the first time in a long while, there’s a Gaming History – this one on the PlayStation 2.

This week’s news:

  • UbiSoft: Xbox One version of Watch Dogs more dynamic than PS4 and current-gen versions
  • Microsoft prez Don Mattrick leaves to be Zynga CEO
  • Sony: DualShock 4 controller’s light bar cannot be turned off
  • Indian PC gamers upset at Origin price increases

This week’s Question of the Week, “What’s your favorite indie game released in the last year?”

Episode 315: Titanfall T-Shirt Contest ContinuesEpisode 315: Titanfall T-Shirt Contest Continues

This week’s podcast is fairly heavy on the Xbox One news, but at least it makes for a themed podcast. Jordan expresses his fears at controllers that look at you, while QWOP and Surgeon Simulator 2013 are discussed.

This week’s news includes:

  • PS4 did have always on DRM, camera, but Sony changed it at E3
  • Report: Xbox One’s capabilities better than Microsoft expected
  • Report: Xbox One will be able to run Windows 8 apps
  • Xbox One getting Unity support to aid indie developers
  • Half-Life 3 rumors squashed by Surgeon Simulator 2013 dev
  • Star Citizen asset cost for ships “anywhere from $35,000 to $150,000”

The “Win a Titanfall T-shirt” contest continues. Merely answer, “What game at E3 impressed you the most?” to enter to win a large size tee.