Month: August 2013

Episode 322: Xbox One, PS4 Launch LineupsEpisode 322: Xbox One, PS4 Launch Lineups

This week’s episode as a guest in the form of Jordan Lund’s wife Jennifer. There was to be a Gaming History, but it’ll be used next week when there’s more time.

This week’s news includes:

  • Microsoft Points transformed into cash
  • Gamers can return digital titles on Origin after a week
  • Bungie feels Destiny can be bigger than Halo, as big as Star Wars
  • Borderlands 2 coming to PlayStation Vita
  • Sony announces 33 “launch” titles for PlayStation 4
  • Microsoft announces launch titles for Xbox One
  • The Sims 4 emotional gameplay revealed at GamesCom 2013

All this and Listener Feedback, with the same “console or PC gamer?” question from last week.

Episode 321: Always Chaotic GoodEpisode 321: Always Chaotic Good

This week, Jonah Falcon and Jordan Lund discuss a little pen-and-paper Dungeons & Dragons, while the Gaming Flashback this week is the Microsoft Xbox, ending the coverage of the sixth generation consoles in the past few podcasts.

This week’s news includes:

  • All PS Vitas $199 at Target August 18th to the 24th
  • Communist border crossing immigration official sim Papers, Please! now available
  • New Jersey court approves used game lawsuit against GameStop
  • Wasteland 2 dynamic NPC interaction detailed

This week’s Question of the Week is a simple one: “Which do you do most of your gaming on, console or PC?”

Episode 320: Like This Like ThatEpisode 320: Like This Like That

The posting of Monday’s podcast has been delayed a day, sorry about that. This week is fairly long, and the Gaming History gets into the venerable Sega Dreamcast, which still has some developers making new games for it.

Otherwise, this week’s news items include:

  • Assassin’s Creed series will have end, assures Ubisoft
  • EverQuest Next gameplay revealed, accepting beta registration
  • Blizzard confirms Project Titan overhaul, “unlikely to be subscription-based”
  • EA claims freedom of speech in NCAA lawsuit appeal, court rejects it
  • Region-based factions will be in The Crew

This week’s Question of the Week: “What makes you decide to preorder a game or console?”