Episode 326: Jordan’s BackEpisode 326: Jordan’s Back
Jordan is back, and even though he’s not 100%, he’s still well enough to do the podcast. He and Jonah discuss what things make them stop playing a game, while the rest of the podcast is all about Grand Theft Auto V. They also get into discussions about laserdisc players.
The news includes:
- Microsoft: Women make up 40% of Xbox Live audience
- Rumor: Steam Box announcement on Monday
- Grand Theft Auto V hits $1B in sales after 72 hours
- Dead Rising 3 “frame-locked at 30″ on Xbox One
- Sony offers fix for GTA5 error 80029564 crashing system on install
All this and Listener Feedback, as well as the Question of the Week, “When will the current generation of consoles discontinue?”