Episode 327: Not-Love LettersEpisode 327: Not-Love Letters
This week’s podcast has Jonah having a new job, while some really long Listener Feedback letters lengthen the podcast. In fact, several discussions between Jonah and Jordan were cut and will be in a near-future Outtakes episode.
This week is full of news as well, including:
- Star Wars 1313 was to have starred Boba Fett after all
- Shadow of the Eternals dev Precursor Games disbands
- Techland: Dying Light isn’t another Dead Island
- China lifts console ban, Microsoft collaborating with BesTV to make new console
- Watch Dogs ships on two discs, requires install, 30 FPS cap on Xbox One and PS4
That plus the long Listener Feedback, and Jordan has an appeal to veteran listeners to write in.