Month: December 2013

Episode 335: Double XEpisode 335: Double X

This week, Jordan reveals that he actually won an Xbox One from work, making him the second owner of the console in the podcast, and the only one with both a One and a PS4. Unfortunately, Paul’s not available for the podcast, making it a podcast of two.

The news this week:

  • Square Enix confirms Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition for next-gen
  • EA donates $1.65 million to American Cancer Society following Humble campaign
  • Report: MMOs targeted by intelligence agencies
  • Ubisoft polling on Assassin’s Creed 5, non-Assassin pirate game
  • Report: Disney taking over Indiana Jones from Paramount

Also, listener Pawel Predki wrote his own review of Tearaway. Read it here.

Episode 334: Droning OnEpisode 334: Droning On

Despite the title of the podcast episode this week, nothing is boring. Rather, there’s a ton of banter between Jonah, Paul and Jordan, as they discuss next-gen console gaming.

This week’s news items include:

  • Amazon testing package delivery by drone
  • Microsoft advises gamers against turning the Xbox One into a dev kit
  • There’s “no lack of ideas” at DICE, CEO ponders local weather for Battlefield
  • Xbox One beats PS4 sales at Walmart, Target
  • Epic: “We’ve yet to see the real value of the second screen”
  • Sega: Shenmue 3 trademark listing a hoax

All this and some Listener Feedback.