Month: March 2014

Episode 345: Old in the ValleyEpisode 345: Old in the Valley

This week’s Jonah discusses an article about ageism in Silicon Valley, while Paul complains about an achievement ruining a casual game he’d spent $200 on. This week’s Gaming Flashback is Dance Dance Revolution.

The news includes:

  • Facebook acquiring Oculus for $2 billion
  • Valve’s Portal coming as Tegra 4 Android App to Nvidia Shield
  • Xbox One may allow loaning of digital games
  • Nintendo, Sony won’t attend PAX East

All this and a little Listener Feedback, with the Question of the Week being “Do you subscribe to videogame magazines now?”

Episode 344: Origin ProblemsEpisode 344: Origin Problems

In this episode, Jonah complains about Origin and his inability to play Dragon Age: Origins, while a heated discussion between Jonah and Paul occurs over various topics, along with discussion of Frozen. Jordan discusses his son’s college tuitions as well. This week’s Gaming Flashback is the coin-op arcade game Wizard of Wor.

This week’s news items include:

  • Sony PlayStation honcho Jack Tretton stepping down
  • Disney Interactive cutting about 700 jobs
  • New Xbox Live updates coming in April
  • SimCity gets offline play today
  • Report: Microsoft working on augmented reality headset for Xbox

This week’s Question of the Week: “Ever purchase new games for an unsupported console?”

Episode 343: iPad Hot AirEpisode 343: iPad Hot Air

This week sees the return of Paul to the crew, but unfortunately, Jordan’s voice is shot so he can’t make it a team of three. However, Jonah is happy over having a new iPad Air, while Paul laments unemployment. This week’s Gaming Flashback is Team Ninja’s classic Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox.

The news for the week includes:

  • Microsoft pulls page discussing Titanfall online preloading
  • Report: Ouya Everywhere puts games on TV, PC without the Ouya
  • EU takes on “misleading” free-to-play games
  • Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2studio boss, “One must be blind or stupid to give it a 4/10?
  • Nintendo separates Quality of Life business unit from consoles
  • Project Milo isn’t coming back

No Question of the Week – listener questions are wide open.