Month: April 2014

Episode 348: Nostalgia FilterEpisode 348: Nostalgia Filter

This week is a little special as Jonah, Jordan and Paul discuss some of the things that were common in the golden age of 1990’s consoles that are no longer around.

In addition, the news includes:

  • King settles ‘Candy Crush Saga’ trademark disputes amicably
  • Gamestop’s only female executive is fictional
  • Nate Wells leaves Naughty Dog

The Question of the Week: “What gaming activities do you no longer do?”

Episode 347: Final FantasyEpisode 347: Final Fantasy

This week’s podcast features the Gaming Flashback of Final Fantasy VI, which takes up a third of the podcast as Paul and Jordan enthuse about the Japanese roleplaying game at length – so much so, that some news items were skipped over due to running length. Jonah prepares for his trip to PAX East 2014 for the weekend. He also proclaims Emperor Palpatine dancing in Kinect Star Wars the best thing to ever happen for Star Wars.

This week’s news includes:

  • Amazon says FireTV will boost mid-market games
  • Borderlands 2 Vita bundle hits on May 6, game launches May 13
  • Molyneux predicts Kinect-less Xbox One
  • Microsoft looking into Xbox 360 emulation through Xbox One

A lot of Listener Feedback this week, and the Question of the Week is “What mobile games have you played recently?”

Episode 346: Back PainsEpisode 346: Back Pains

Paul wasn’t able to make it for this podcast thanks to a hospital trip due to back pains, but Jordan and Jonah get into it a little themselves. They also avoid the predictable April Fool’s gags since even though the episode was recorded April 1, it wasn’t going to air until 2 days later. This week’s Gaming Flashback is Ubisoft’s first person shooter Far Cry.

The news this week includes:

  • EA deletes nasty Wii U April Fools’ tweets
  • Indies praise Xbox One self-publishing – but Microsoft must drop its launch parity policy
  • Uncharted 4 game director leaves Naughty Dog

Also included is Listener Feedback and the Question of the Week, “What was your favorite videogame-related April Fool’s joke?”