Month: October 2014

Episode 366: Hashtag GamerGateEpisode 366: Hashtag GamerGate

One again, the episode gets a little political as it deals with the GamerGate controversy again. No Gaming Flashback or Gaming History, but plenty of annoyed podcasters. As a side note, there will be no podcast for the next two weeks as Paul will be on a trip. However, there will be a new podcaster when the show starts up again.

This week’s news includes:

  • Sarkeesian cancels Utah State presentation following threats of shooting
  • Former GamerGate member explains his departure
  • Unreal, BioShock dev Digital Extremes sold to Chinese companies
  • Games driving “nearly all” Google Play’s revenue growth in US
  • Mobile spending driven by 35-44-year-olds

All this plus Listener Feedback.

Episode 365: Pre-NYCCEpisode 365: Pre-NYCC

This podcast has been delayed a little thanks to New York Comic Con, but that’s a discussion for next week’s podcast. While there’s no Gaming Flashback or Gaming History, there’s a lot to discuss.

This week’s news:

  • DICE: Battlefield 4 “absolutely” damaged player trust
  • GamerGate pressures Intel into pulling ads over editorial
  • Capcom: 2 million sales may be required for sequels
  • Super Smash Bros. hints that Mario’s extra lives are clones.

There are three Questions of the Week this week, so listen in and figure out which one(s) you want to answer!

Episode 364: Ello, FacebookEpisode 364: Ello, Facebook

This week’s episode has a lot of tangential videogame news, but the discussions turn in interesting directions. No Gaming Flashback or Gaming History unfortunately.

The news includes:

  • Microsoft announces Windows 10
  • Ms Pac-Man joins the fight against breast cancer
  • Facebook apologizes to LGBTQ users, plans “substantive changes”
  • PS Vita firmware 3.30 launches soon, brings theme support
  • The Sims 4 free content updates to include pools, Star Wars costumes

No Question of the Week either – just ask us anything.