Month: May 2015

Episode 386: Late Yet AgainEpisode 386: Late Yet Again

Another late podcast, as Summer is in sight, and E3 looms ahead. Some minor audio issues with the podcast, but still the same podcast-y goodness we can expect from Paul and Jonah.

The news includes:

  • Analysts: “Greed, fear, and the potential to change the world” will drive VR
  • Casey Hudson joins Microsoft
  • Humble Bundle debuts Wii games
  • World of Warcraft players are pissed their characters can’t fly
  • Final Fantasy 15 news coming next week

All that and Listener Feedback.

Episode 385: Beginning of the EndEpisode 385: Beginning of the End

This podcast marks the beginning of the end of Paul’s tenure as a regular co-host, as he will be leaving at the milestone episode 400. He and Jonah both bemoan the loss of last week’s taping, as it had laughter, tears, outrage and a long comic book conversation, but this episode more than makes up for it with items that make Paul squee.

The news includes:

  • Portal, Doctor Who, The Simpsons and more confirmed for Lego Dimensions
  • Report: Xbox One 60fps game DVR capture goes live
  • Nintendo partners with Universal Parks to create themed rides and attractions
  • Microsoft teases big Rare reveal at E3

All this and some nifty Listener Feedback.