Month: July 2015

Episode 393: Pepper II PaulEpisode 393: Pepper II Paul

Paul’s not in this episode due to sickness, so it’s just Jonah and Scott, the former who berates the latter for the lack of any listener feedback. There is a Gaming Flashback this time, with the classic 80’s arcade game Pepper II.

The news includes:

  • China ending restrictions on gaming console sales
  • Capcom is sorry about the Street Fighter V beta
  • Video gaming organization to start testing gamers for drugs
  • Not even “a s—load” of Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Editions is enough for the world

The Question of the Week: “What makes a good expansion?”

Episode 392: And Introducing…Episode 392: And Introducing…

Yes, it seems strange that we skipped Episode 391, but it was recorded, but some issues prevented it from being posted. Instead, it’ll come out sometime later this year. For now, Episode 392 features the debut of Scott Dirk, aka Alphashard, as a co-host. There are some audio issues, so be warned.

The news includes:

  • Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata passes away at 55
  • Kojima’s name removed from Metal Gear Solid V cover
  • Fallout 4 is about “freedom“, not being the “best looking game,” says Bethesda
  • Shenmue 3 breaks Kickstarter video game record
  • Over 50% of parents worry about their children playing video games online

No Listener Feedback this week – write in!

Episode 390: Counting DownEpisode 390: Counting Down

As Paul’s departure as a regular host is in 10 episodes, Jonah rants about the Batmobile in Batman: Arkham Knight and talks about the painlessness of Fallout Shelter‘s micro-transactions. The other part of the podcast is them talking Heroes of Might & Magic II, and discussing what makes a good expansion.

The news items include:

  • Lack of female character choice in The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes explained
  • Australian government bans hundreds of mobile and Web-based games
  • Nintendo has no problems changing franchises, despite fan outcry
  • Apple pulls games with Confederate flag imagery

All this plus Listener Feedback and Paul’s indignation.