Month: August 2015

Episode 397: Closing InEpisode 397: Closing In

A good episode this time, if a little meandering. The episode is slowly reaching its milestone.

The news items for the week include:

  • Nintendo patents new hardware, doesn’t include a disc drive
  • VS. Excitebike coming to Nintendo’s Virtual Console
  • Nintendo increasingly considering movies
  • 2DS dropping to $100
  • Darkest Dungeon adds option to turn off controversial features

Check us on twitter: Jonah Falcon is @jonahfalcon, Paul Nowak is @stagermonkey, and Scott Dirk is @alphashard.

Episode 396: Getting TargetedEpisode 396: Getting Targeted

This week’s episode is very long to make up for the crappiness of last week’s episode, and the crew have fun with the trolling of Target critics this past week.

The news this week includes:

  • Guillermo del Toro quits videogame development
  • There is no suspend feature for Steam Machines
  • Gamescom sets attendance record
  • Chinese console crowdfunding project manages to rip off PS4 and Xbox One

This and Listener Feedback.

Episode 395: This Episode SucksEpisode 395: This Episode Sucks

No, really, this episode is one of the worst ever released – boring news, stilted dialog, bad jokes. At least the first news item allowed the crew to rip Pixels. So bad Jonah didn’t bother editing it.

The news items include:

  • Anti-piracy group hits indie creators for using the word “pixels
  • Rare Replay studio’s first UK chart-topper since Banjo-Kazooie on N64 in 1998
  • More Diablo is coming
  • Games for Windows “wasn’t the right approach” says Microsoft

No Listener Feedback or Question of the Week either. That’s how bad this episode was.

Episode 394: Paul Bravely DefaultsEpisode 394: Paul Bravely Defaults

Paul is back from being deathly ill, and joins a half-asleep Jonah and Scott, where he and Scott try to have better timing. There’s no Gaming Flashback this week but plenty of weird news.

The list of news items include:

  • Disturbing portrait of Konami corporate environment alleged
  • Deus Ex: Mankind Divided: player choices more impactful, boss fights optional
  • ZombiU drops the “U,” preps for August launch on PC, Xbox One, PS4
  • Fallout 4 fan releases schematic for 3D printed Pip-Boy
  • Vote to play coming soon for PS Plus members
  • Hitchhiking robot is decapitated, left in a ditch

There’s a new Question of the Week that wasn’t going to be the Question – listen and find out what it is.