Month: February 2016

Episode 414: We’ve Done BetterEpisode 414: We’ve Done Better

This week’s podcast isn’t the best, but at least we tried, right? There’s a lot of chatter, and Scott gets really angry at people criticizing Star Wars.

This week’s news items includes:

  • Iranian state television mistakes Medal of Honor footage for reality
  • Street Fighter 5 Arcade Mode being considered
  • Experimental 5D data storage could store 360TB of games for 13.8 billion years
  • Ubisoft boasts about The Division beta’s huge numbers
  • HTC’s Vive VR Tech will launch in April priced at $799

This week’ Question of the Week: “When, if ever, will you be getting VR?”

Episode 413: Baldur’s Gaming PodcastEpisode 413: Baldur’s Gaming Podcast

Jonah survived the cold snap, and everything is okay – we think. There’s not much to this podcast except for the extensive discussions on completely unrelated topics.

The news this week includes:

  • The Chinese Room gearing up to announce a new game
  • “Who wouldn’t want to take on” Baldur’s Gate 3, says former Bioware writer
  • New rumor has Forza Motorsport 6 and Forza Horizon 3 coming to Windows 10
  • id Software: DOOM reboot single player campaign around 13 hours

Question of the Week: “What is your favorite FPS?”

Episode 412: Eaten By EwoksEpisode 412: Eaten By Ewoks

This episode sees the debut of a new co-host, videogame writer T.J. Denzer, who joins Jonah Falcon and Scott Dirk for this long episode, discussing Star Wars, spoilers, and other news that didn’t make the cut. This week also has the first Gaming Flashback in over a year, taking a look at The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

This week’s news includes:

Question of the Week: “What is your favorite strategy game?”