Month: March 2017

Episode 462: Nerd RageEpisode 462: Nerd Rage

Jonah discusses his renewed views of Mass Effect: Andromeda after his long, long rant last week. It fits in with the theme of nerd rage in the news items, as well as some new games coming out. TJ and Scott talk about the games they’ve been enjoying in the past week as well, as the latter is burning through Pillars of Eternity so he can play Torment: Tides of Numenera and the eventual Pillars of Eternity II.

This week’s news includes:

  • Planescape: Torment 4K remaster comes out April 11
  • First Star Wars Battlefront 2 trailer dated for April
  • World of Warcraft has changed how enemies scale, and players are very angry
  • Destiny 2 officially announced, teasing the fall of The Last City

Let us know what you think.

Episode 461: Messy Effect: AndromedaEpisode 461: Messy Effect: Andromeda

This week’s episode, which has been posted a little late due to life interruptions, has Jonah ranting about Mass Effect Andromeda, which T.J. and Scott pine for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wind.

This week’s news includes:

  • Report: JoyCon wireless issues caused by “manufacturing variation”
  • There is a way to transfer Switch save data, Nintendo just doesn’t want you to know
  • Alexander the Great will lead Macedon in Civilization 6

Let us know what you think.

Episode 460: PAX East 2017 RecapEpisode 460: PAX East 2017 Recap

Jonah Falcon is finally back from PAX East 2017, and related his experiences at the convention. Somehow, T.J.’s musings on Dune and the origins of Mini-Me come up during the discussion. Among the games discussed are Snake Pass, Earthfall, Dauntless, and Yonder.

There’s also some news discussed:

  • Payday owner Starbreeze to publish System Shock 3
  • Switch stock and sellouts could be a problem for Nintendo

Let us know what you think and post in the comments!

Episode 459: This Week and LastEpisode 459: This Week and Last

So, thanks to an untimely computer breakdown, last week’s episode could not be run in a timely manner. So, this double-length episode features an off-the-cuff discussion of videogames with no notes, with last week’s episode tacked on. There’s not much editing in the episode, due to the fact Jonah has to rush off to Boston to attend PAX East over the weekend.

Last week’s “news” includes:

  • Middle Earth: Shadow of War leaked then announced
  • Microsoft announces Netflix-style gaming for the Xbox One
  • Videogame industry lobbying to maintain “repair monopoly”
  • Microsoft plans to bring mixed reality to the Xbox in 2018

All this and some Listener Feedback