Month: August 2017

Episode 476: A Man ChoosesEpisode 476: A Man Chooses

The Gaming Podcast is back after a week off, and it celebrates the 10th year anniversary of BioShock with its own Gaming Flashback. They also touch on its sequels, BioShock 2 and BioShock Infinite.

It’s not all BioShock, however, as the following news items are discussed:

  • Bethesda Game Of Thrones project potentially leaked
  • PUBG becomes the biggest game on Steam
  • $200 price cut brings HTC Vive down to $599
  • Thimbleweed Park’s arcade is now open

Let us know if you enjoyed any of the BioShock games.

Episode 475: Sterling ReviewsEpisode 475: Sterling Reviews

This week’s episode is 50% longer as the first 20 minutes or so are devoted to the reaction to Jim Sterling’s explosive review of Hellblade and his subsequent recanting later that day. This week has no Gaming Flashback or Gaming History, but there are six news items to make up for it.

The items include:

  • EA talks about Nintendo Switch support
  • Rainbow Six: Siege “Operation Blood Orchid” update launches August 29
  • Myth-inspired RTS Deadhold charges into Early Access later this month
  • No Man’s Sky “Atlas Rises” update adds story content and “limited” online co-op
  • EA says Star Wars: Battlefront “lacked long-term goals”
  • Moons of Madness is Lovecraftian horror on Mars

Let us know what you think.

Episode 474: That Splat Ain’t MayoEpisode 474: That Splat Ain’t Mayo

This week’s episode not only has a Gaming Flashback, but a Gaming History as well. The Flashback looks at the hardware intensive PC game Crysis, while the Gaming History looks at one of the bigger crowdfunding fiascos, Starforge. Jonah also reminds viewers that the “mayo” in the Splatfest for Splatoon 2 probably wasn’t actually mayo.

This week’s news items include:

  • Lexington video game company sues after personal information posted online
  • New game combines monster taming and Stardew Valley
  • Respawn: “We’re doing more Titanfall
  • Destiny 2 will not offer customization of imported characters

Question of the Week: “What two games would you like to see combined?”

Episode 473: Jonah Bashes Zelda, Gets SnarkedEpisode 473: Jonah Bashes Zelda, Gets Snarked

This week’s episode features Jonah being seriously critical of the Zelda series and getting the aghast reactions from his co-hosts (and probably the internet at large). The crew also discusses games on laptops and dreaming about the games they’d played. There’s another Gaming Flashback this week, 2007’s Game of the Year, Yaris.

This week’s news includes:

  • Night Trap 25th Anniversary Edition to haunt PS4 and PC players in August
  • Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy spotted with Xbox One controls
  • Dragon Quest XI coming West next year
  • Assassin’s Creed Origins director says game won’t be on Nintendo Switch

The Question of the Week: “What game do you play most on your laptop?”