Month: December 2017

Episode 487: Three Hour End of the Year ExtravaganzaEpisode 487: Three Hour End of the Year Extravaganza

It’s the last Gaming Podcast episode of 2018, and it’s three hours long! Well, it’s to make up for the fact we won’t be doing one next week. There are only two news items, but the entire bulk of the episode is our Game Awards for 2017, and we took a different tack than most sites and podcasts by inventing our own Awards Categories!

The news we do discuss include:

  • Soulcalibur 6 finally brings the tale of swords and souls to PC
  • The Witcher 3 Xbox One X update could add support for HDR displays

We also discussed the game we’re looking forward to the most in 2018 — let us know which one you are interested in!

Episode 486: More CivilizationEpisode 486: More Civilization

This week’s episode focuses on the Patreon disaster and a major expansion for an important strategy game. Even more shockingly, the crew manage to remain on topic and not drift off into discussions about superheroes or global politics.

The news discussions include:

  • Patreon’s service fees anger creators, patrons
  • Civilization VI: Rise and Fall announced
  • Bungie admits “we’ve made mistakes”
  • New Game Boy game released

Let us know what your favorite games of 2017 are!

Episode 485: Review BombingEpisode 485: Review Bombing

This week’s episode is unremarkable. Don’t expect any surprise guests or news, just a lot of chatting about comics and wandering way off the topic of video games.

The news items for the week are:

  • Valve implements methods to curtail Steam review bombing
  • Matsuda insists Deus Ex not being discontinued
  • Star Citizen releases new video, makes another $500K in a Day
  • Kamiya wants to work on Devil May Cry and Viewtiful Joe remakes

Let us know what you think.