Month: February 2018

Episode 493: Finally, After Three TriesEpisode 493: Finally, After Three Tries

So, two weeks ago, the audio was so corrupted, there was nothing that could be salvaged. A week later, the podcast only had one track working, so it was like Jonah speaking to imaginary people only he could hear. This podcast is finally perfect, with Rock Band being the Gaming Flashback.

This week’s news includes:

  • System Shock reboot that raised $1.3M on Kickstarter is now on “hiatus”
  • Dragon Ball FighterZ’s premium DLC characters revealed
  • Rumor: Diablo III is coming to Nintendo Switch

Let us know what you think.

Episode 492: Dragon Ball Fighter TJEpisode 492: Dragon Ball Fighter TJ

This week, TJ talks about how much he’s loving Dragon Ball Fighter Z, and how he enjoys using one character’s OP exploit to take down opponents with breathtaking quickness. Jonah brings up doing a special podcast, like Paul, Jordan and Jennifer did with Doctor Who, except with Star Trek this time.

All this and this week’s news, which includes:

  • Sega teams up with Heavy Rain lead designer’s new studio to publish “narrative-driven” game
  • Rainbow Six: Siege tweet suggests upcoming PS4 Pro & Xbox One X support
  • Microsoft’s Mixer streaming service to get Twitch-style tipping
  • FIFA E-World Cup forced to switch to Xbox due to PSN outage

This week’s Question of the Week is “What game have you ended up playing til sunrise?”