Month: June 2018

Episode 506: E3 Swag and Sony SagEpisode 506: E3 Swag and Sony Sag

This episode follows the three hour long E3 episode, but there was so much E3 to talk about, a lot of the show spilled over into this show, including the crew talking about the swag Jonah sent to them, and Sony’s “winning” of E3 in terms of media attention. There was going to be a Gaming History, but the episode ran long and they weren’t going to have a two hour podcast after a three hour one.

The news of the week includes:

  • Microsoft and Nintendo troll Sony over crossplay
  • Bethesda lawsuit says Westworld game stole Fallout Shelter code
  • Microsoft and Razer are working on Xbox keyboard and mouse support
  • Nintendo Switch could get its own new Monster Hunter games
  • Life is Strange 2 Episode One release date revealed

There was some Listener Feedback to last week’s episode, too.

Episode 505: 3 Hours Of E3Episode 505: 3 Hours Of E3

This week’s episode is three hours long — Jonah’s mic was moving in the first minute, but after that, it’s ok. There’s no news, just discussion of each of the press briefings that preceded E3, as well as some of the games that Jonah got hands-on time with. TJ is sad that he didn’t get to attend this year, while Scott is getting E3 swag.

Next week, back to news items!

Episode 504: Very Very LateEpisode 504: Very Very Late

This week’s episode is very late thanks to Jonah having to prep for E3, which much of the podcast focuses on. There’s even a massive argument between Jonah and TJ about which film was better: Tron or Tron: Legacy, while Tron 2.0 gets its love as well. This week’s Gaming Flashback is Microsoft’s most popular JRPG, Blue Dragon.

The news items include:

  • Capcom registers Devil May Cry 5 site, fueling E3 2018 rumors
  • Ubisoft confirms E3 reveal of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
  • Rumor: Microsoft to reveal three Gears of War games at E3
  • Rumor: Rocksteady to announce a Superman game at E3

What do you expect from E3? Let us know.