Month: August 2018

Episode 513: Delays and TragedyEpisode 513: Delays and Tragedy

Last week’s episode was delayed by Jonah producing a new show (The Jonah Falcon Show), then by the tragedy on Sunday, August 26. Now, the podcast recorded last week and the one recorded this week have been merged into one big 2+ hour show.

Last week’s news items included:

  • Devil May Cry 5 arrives in March
  • Cyberpunk 2077 quests similar to The Witcher 3 ‘in terms of playtime and complexity’
  • Rumor: Nintendo planning big Switch upgrade
  • Soulcalibur 6 Story Mode and DLC character announced

This past week’s news was simple:

  • EA cancels remaining Madden Classic qualifiers

To be fair, the crew ended up talking about other stuff going on during the week, including the the E3 demo for Cyberpunk 2077 that was finally released to the general public. Gaming still brings smiles to people’s faces.

Episode 512: Heating UpEpisode 512: Heating Up

As Fall approaches, more info on exciting games are starting to trickle in. That, and Jonah talks about how he’s going to Power Morphicon to cover stuff for his upcoming new show.

Otherwise, the news this week includes:

  • Patrick Stewart will narrate My Memory of Us
  • Jagged Alliance: Rage! announced
  • Deep Silver’s Outward coming February 12
  • Dark Souls coming to Nintendo Switch on Oct. 19

Let us know what you think.

Episode 511: Grim Sky at RiotEpisode 511: Grim Sky at Riot

The guys discuss the recent report by Kotaku released this week on the shady institutionalized sexism at Riot Games, the people behind League of Legends. There’s also hints of racism as well, especially since everyone in charge is, well, a white male. Otherwise, T.J. gushes about his experiences at EVO, the fighting game convention/competition, and is looking forward to QuakeCon.

The news this week includes:

And Jonah confesses he still hasn’t played GTA5 because, well, GTA4 soured him on the series.

Episode 510: Red Dead SurpriseEpisode 510: Red Dead Surprise

This week’s episode didn’t initially have a Gaming Flashback, but the crew accidentally started one with 2010’s Red Dead Redemption, which shouldn’t be a flashback since it fails the “10 Year Rule”, but it was so fun to talk about, it became one. They also found some interesting stuff in a thin-news week, which is the usual for Summer.

The news includes:

  • Valve adds temporary fix for fake item scams on Steam
  • Halo devs not working on Battle Royale mode for Infinite
  • Nintendo Switch sales near 20m, down slightly on last year
  • Playground Games staffs up for the rumored Fable reboot

Let us know what you think.