Month: December 2018

Episode 524: Goodbye, 2018!Episode 524: Goodbye, 2018!

This is the last podcast of 2018, and the next episode will be our Games of the Year announcement. Until then, we snark at Pewdiepie, and check some of the news ending the year.

This week’s news includes:

  • Steam Xbox One cross-play tools hinted
  • Americans can get Assassin’s Creed Odyssey free from Google
  • Discord Store to offer developers 90 percent of game revenues
  • Inca announced for Civilization VI: Gathering Storm

Let us know what your Game of the Year is.

Episode 523: Valve Running Out of SteamEpisode 523: Valve Running Out of Steam

Valve continues to have problems in the wake of Epic (and now Discord) giving developers more of the earnings pie, as the year draws to a close. Meanwhile, T.J. explains his gamertag.

This week’s episode includes the following news items:

  • Developers do not believe Steam is worth it anymore
  • Canada announced for Civilization VI: Gathering Storm
  • Studio Wildcard’s Atlas is delayed by a week
  • Rainbow Six Siege chat filter and toxicity update

Let us know what your favorite game of 2018 was.

Episode 522: Civving UpEpisode 522: Civving Up

This week’s episode is full of industry news in the wake of The Game Awards. There wasn’t many news items but there was plenty to talk about with the Awards, especially with this week’s Gaming Flashback, Unlimited Adventures.

This week’s news items include:

Let us know what you think.