Month: February 2019

Episode 530: Pokemons With Swords and ShieldsEpisode 530: Pokemons With Swords and Shields

This week’s episode was delayed in publication thanks to real life intruding on the videogame podcast.

The week’s news items include:

  • Pokémon Sword and Shield starters revealed
  • Stardew Valley gets esports tournament
  • Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will be revealed in April
  • Funcom is working on a Dune MMO, and two more Dune games

All that and listener feedback.

Episode 529: CrossplatformingEpisode 529: Crossplatforming

Things are starting to get interesting in the videogame industry, as Microsoft is starting to make Live available on other platforms, including the Switch. TJ on the other hand is getting more and more into Apex Legends.

This week’s news includes:

  • Paradox Introduces multiplatform modding on Xbox One and PC
  • Red Dead Online gets competitive fishing, gold armor gunfight in next update
  • The developer of Furi is making a co-op RPG
  • Rocket League gets cross-platform parties

There’s Listener Feedback as well.

Episode 528: Back From DisasterEpisode 528: Back From Disaster

Jonah’s desktop PC finally died completely from irretrievable hardware failure, and this episode was recorded clumsily on his cellphone. Meanwhile, TJ has been enjoying Apex Legends enormously, and gives it a rave review.

Otherwise, this week’s news includes:

  • Activision-Blizzard lays off 800 employees
  • World War Z gets an April release date
  • Dragon Quest Builders 2 comes to Switch, PS4 this summer
  • Chucklefish boss says Sony is responsible for lack of PS4 crossplay

The Question of the Week is “Which game would you love to see remade?”