Month: September 2020

Episode 589: Waiting for 2100Episode 589: Waiting for 2100

Nintendo has finally given a launch window for their next console, while TJ is slightly distracted by the Chiefs.

This week’s news includes:

  • Titanfall 3 is in development at Respawn
  • As 2020 ends, so does FarmVille
  • Among Us 2 cancelled in favor of ongoing work on the current game
  • Amazon is also warning Xbox Series X preorder customers that their consoles might show up late
  • Spider-Man PS4 owners can’t upgrade to the PS5 version for free
  • Nintendo’s Switch successor will release before 2100

Let us know what you think.

Episode 588: Microsoft Buys ZeniMaxEpisode 588: Microsoft Buys ZeniMax

So, a day before the Xbox Series X preorder launch (which after the podcast was a complete shitshow), Microsoft drops the mic by announcing they just essentially purchased The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Prey, DOOM, and other major properties. Not much else to talk about, really.

The game news includes:

  • Microsoft purchases ZeniMax for $7.5B
  • Bethesda’s overhauling its engine for Starfield and The Elder Scrolls 6
  • Former Skullgirls developers have launched a new studio called Future Club
  • Hades has sold 1m copies
  • Blizzard confirms BlizzCon 2021 dates

Let us know what you think.

Episode 587: Ubisoft ForwardEpisode 587: Ubisoft Forward

This week the gang reacts to Ubisoft’s pseudo-E3 presentation showing off their upcoming games, including Watch Dogs Legion, Immortals Fenyx Rising, Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World: The Game: The Remaster, and Riders Republic, and Yves Guillemot’s strange pre-show video.

Other news items include:

  • Bungie emphatically denies Microsoft buyout rumor
  • Former Witcher 3 devs are launching a sci-fi novel-inspired game

Let us know what you think.