Month: October 2020

Episode 591: The PS5 Is HotEpisode 591: The PS5 Is Hot

This week’s episode has only two official news items, but there’s a lot to discuss that didn’t quite make the list, including Sony’s controversial plan to update the fan speed on the fly by taking data from consoles already purchased, to the beautiful Ori Collector’s Edition bundle. This week’s Gaming Flashback: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

The news includes:

  • Phasmophobia updates will make ghosts smarter and less predictable
  • 2K under fire for adding unskippable in-game ads to the full-price NBA 2K21 a month after release

Let us know what you think.

Episode 590: Microsoft and Epic Tag TeamEpisode 590: Microsoft and Epic Tag Team

This week has Microsoft backing Epic against Apple, Nintendo telling people they don’t have controller drift and apologizing for controller drift, and some new games.

The news includes:

  • Level-5 has reportedly halted nearly all operations in North America
  • Microsoft sides with Epic in its fight with Apple
  • Nintendo is reducing the price of Switch Joycons in Japan
  • Torchlight 3 leaves Early Access

Let us know what you think.