Month: November 2021

Episode 631: Nintendo Dislikes VirtualEpisode 631: Nintendo Dislikes Virtual

This is the second attempt at Episode 631, as the previous episode had bad audio, and was boring to boot. This week’s episode features a lot of questionable content, as well as a Dark Souls Gaming Flashback.

The news includes:

  • Surprise Halo Infinite multiplayer launch buckles Steam servers
  • Grand Theft Auto Trilogy back on PC after Rockstar removes ‘unintentionally included’ files
  • Microsoft adds 76 more games to Xbox backwards compatibility
  • Nintendo explains why there is no virtual console on Switch

Let us know what you think.

Episode 630: Sweet BastionEpisode 630: Sweet Bastion

This week’s episode features a Gaming Flashback of Bastion, Supergiant Games’ first title, and a proto-version of 2020’s Hades. The discussion includes around their other two games as well, Transistor and Pyre. They also discuss how far Ubisoft is falling, and Jonah tries to convince the others how cool a metaverse would be for games.

The news of the week includes:

Let us know what you think at the Facebook page here.