Month: March 2022

Episode 644: Nintendo At It AgainEpisode 644: Nintendo At It Again

Jonah considers Elden Ring too grind-y, and talks about the name of an infamous handheld console.

News items include:

  • PlayStation 5 owners report online issues following system update
  • Mass Effect Trilogy co-creator returning to science fiction
  • Bungie says last week’s Destiny 2 video takedowns were ‘fraudulent
  • Nintendo takes down scans of 1996 Super Mario 64 Strategy Guide

Let us know what you think.

Episode 643: Bits and PiecesEpisode 643: Bits and Pieces

The previous two podcasts got corrupted on upload, and now I have to reedit them completely. Be patient.

This week’s there’s a bunch of minor news items, covering things like Sony’s lawsuit, S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 and the Ukraine invasion, Minecraft frogs, various remasters, and the gang talk briefly about the newly released Tunic.

The main news items include:

Let us know what you think.