Category: Retro

Episode 559: Welcome to 2020Episode 559: Welcome to 2020

Welcome to the future, as Jonah, Scott and TJ ring in the new year, as this week’s Gaming Flashback reminds Jonah of what his favorite game of the decade was. (Spoiler: Mass Effect 2.) In fact, the game is so good Jonah and TJ talk about it for an hour before discussing the week’s generally weak news.

This week’s topics include:

  • Report: New Switch model launching in 2020
  • The Ni No Kuni movie is coming to Netflix
  • Silent Hill Art Director Masahiro Ito announces a new video game
  • Vice City: Remastered for Grand Theft Auto 5 mod released

Was 2010 the best year for games in the 2010’s? Let us know.

Episode 550: Kowtowing to ChinaEpisode 550: Kowtowing to China

Blizzard finds itself in hot water as it finds itself having to explain its actions in pleasing the Chinese government, in news that’s still hot and doesn’t look like it’s going to cool down anytime soon. It’s enough to overshadow even an official console announcement from Sony. There’s a Gaming Flashback, the embarrassingly bad FMV game Plumbers Don’t Wear Ties.

The news this week includes:

  • Blizzard is facing a boycott after removing a Hearthstone Grandmaster
  • PlayStation 5 launches Holiday 2020
  • Doom Eternal delayed until March 2020, Doom 64 goes multiformat

Let us know what you think.

Episode 545: Fleshy Testicle MonstersEpisode 545: Fleshy Testicle Monsters

Jonah finally finishes the strange puzzle platformer Inside and discusses it with the crew during the post-podcast discussion. Otherwise, there’s news galore, as well as a Gaming Flashback of the notorious flop Sonic the Hedgehog from 2006.

It includes:

  • Quantic Dream is “not exclusive to any platform anymore”
  • An enhanced edition of System Shock 2 is in development
  • Nintendo Switch SNES controller spotted
  • Minecraft‘s Super Duper Graphics Pack officially canceled

Let us know what you think.

Episode 521: Power OutageEpisode 521: Power Outage

Last week’s podcast couldn’t be uploaded thanks to some good old-fashioned California power outages. This week’s episode is full of snark — enjoy.

The news items include:

  • PlayStation Classic using PAL versions for several games regardless of region
  • Bethesda apologizes about Fallout 76 launch
  • Fortnite surpasses 200 million players
  • No Man’s Sky Visions update improves diversity

Let us know what you think.

Episode 518: Mattel Vs Atari AgainEpisode 518: Mattel Vs Atari Again

It’s seems like old times as there’s a new IntelliVision console coming out to compete with the Atari VCS. The funny part, of course, is that the new IntelliVision will feature Atari 2600 games on it published by Atari. I guess we’re all friends now. This week’s Gaming Flashback is Dead Space.

As for the news:

  • Intellivision Amico console coming in 2020
  • Jade Raymond leaves Electronic Arts
  • Splash Damage ends development of its team-based shooter Dirty Bomb
  • Fortnite‘s Save the World Mode won’t be going free-to-play in 2018

The Question of the Week is: “Which cancelled game would you wish have been completed: Starcraft Ghost, Fallout 3 (Van Buren), Warcraft Adventures, Scalebound, Fez 2, Prey 2, The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive, Full Throttle 2, or something else?”

Episode 509: Heatwave LAEpisode 509: Heatwave LA

This week was a hot time for Jonah — really hot time as Los Angeles was sweltering and the Arctic was literally on fire. However, that didn’t stop the crew from doing the podcast (albeit a day late), though the news was a bit thin again.

The news items for the week include:

  • The C64 Mini is coming to North America on October 9
  • Datamined logo offers more evidence Taiko Drum Master for Switch is coming West
  • Next Xbox will focus on “XCloud” game streaming
  • GOG: Classic console games “might be possible”

The Question of the Week: “What little known game did you love?”

Episode 501: The Official Levis EpisodeEpisode 501: The Official Levis Episode

This episode follows the landmark 500th episode, and this next episode is dominated by Nintendo, both in the news and looking back at the Gaming Flashback for Wii Music and the infamous E3 performance starring Reggie Fils-Aime and Cammie Dunaway.

The news includes:

  • Nintendo Labo first week sales sluggish in Japan, UK
  • Atari announces Atari VCS pre-sale begins May 30th on IndieGogo
  • Eastfound looks to scratch that retro Zelda itch
  • Nintendo starts moving to a Wii-like “non-gamer” strategy for the Switch

All of this and Listener Feedback.

Episode 500: Celebration Time!Episode 500: Celebration Time!

After 11 years, VGRT Gaming Podcast, nee “Technical Diversions (TD) Gaming Podcast”, has hit the magic 500th episode, with not only former co-host Paul Nowak joining in on the celebration, but 2Old2Play’s Derek Nolan and former co-host Dan Quick sending their congrats as well. Paul’s presence is the go-ahead to give TJ and Scott permission to razz Jonah to no end, while Parker Brother board games are compared. This week’s Gaming Flashback is World of Goo.

The news for this magical 500th episode includes:

Question of the Week: “If you were a classic Parker Brothers board game, which would you be?”

[Song: “The Field Of Cormallen” by David Arkenstone.]

Episode 485: Review BombingEpisode 485: Review Bombing

This week’s episode is unremarkable. Don’t expect any surprise guests or news, just a lot of chatting about comics and wandering way off the topic of video games.

The news items for the week are:

  • Valve implements methods to curtail Steam review bombing
  • Matsuda insists Deus Ex not being discontinued
  • Star Citizen releases new video, makes another $500K in a Day
  • Kamiya wants to work on Devil May Cry and Viewtiful Joe remakes

Let us know what you think.