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Entries Tagged as 'Sega'

Episode 334: Droning On

December 4th, 2013 · 2 Comments

Despite the title of the podcast episode this week, nothing is boring. Rather, there’s a ton of banter between Jonah, Paul and Jordan, as they discuss next-gen console gaming. This week’s news items include: Amazon testing package delivery by drone Microsoft advises gamers against turning the Xbox One into a dev kit There’s “no lack […]


Tags: Episode · FPS · Industry News · Microsoft · PlayStation 4 · Podcast · Sega · Show Notes · Xbox One

Episode 297: Intendo With An I

February 11th, 2013 · 3 Comments

[Note: Due to a mic issue, some of the podcast is slightly distorted.] This week’s podcast was recorded a day early due to schedule conflicts, but we make up for it with an actual Gaming Flashback this week of one of the most famous recent RPGs, Knights of the Old Republic. In addition, there’s a […]


Tags: Episode · Industry News · Microsoft · Podcast · Sega · Show Notes · Wii U · world of warcraft · Xbox 360