Category: Video

Gaming Podcast 168: Sixteen Dollar IncrementsGaming Podcast 168: Sixteen Dollar Increments

We’re back this week, and we’re busting through some news articles dealing with Electronic Arts, Activision, Warhammer and more. Community comments, feedback, flashback and game history. The news articles include:

Gaming flashback is R-Type, game history is Irem and the question of the week: Will the iPad steal market share from the Sony PSP and Nintendo DS product lines? Or mobile gaming in general?

Game Time – Solid Steve vs. The M-Rated GamesGame Time – Solid Steve vs. The M-Rated Games

We’re lucky to have a lot of talented friends in the game industry and today we’re lucky to be able to share a new video show from Jerry Bonner. I asked if we could show off their new show, Game Time, and get a little audience response from the show and its content. Personally, I think it makes a great addition to the game industry and New Media in general, teaches something to people while entertaining at the same time.

So, here is the pilot, Episode 1: Solid Steve vs. The M-Rated Games:

Game Time! – Episode 1 (Pilot): Solid Steve vs. The M-Rated Games from Joel Young on Vimeo.

Gaming Podcast 116: We Can’t Get To The Cloud!Gaming Podcast 116: We Can’t Get To The Cloud!

This week’s gaming podcast covers a wide variety of news, we also argue a bit about the Wow restrictions on taking donations and cash (again) and touch on some gaming history involving The Sims and the history of Infocom. For news, we’ve tackled

  • podcast-200x200EA Leaves SecuRom out of Sims 3
  • Sony Enticing Independent Developers to be Exclusive to PlayStation Network
  • Steam Makes DRM Obsolete
  • Blizzard Rolling Out New Game Franchise?
  • OnLive to Kill off Consoles as we know them?
  • PS3 Rumors and Price Drops

This weeks question, is the Nintendo Wii killing off gaming as we know it?

2old2play’s 2008 LAN Video, Older Gamers Having Fun2old2play’s 2008 LAN Video, Older Gamers Having Fun

2OLD2PLAY from Janks Morton on Vimeo.

For those 25 and older, 2old2play offers lots of great gaming fun and communities for all genres of gaming. They’ve been around since roughly 2005, this video, done by Janks Morton (one of the members) is excellent. This type of footage could easily be something on a cable network, A&E or Travel Channel, very high end editing that can’t be beat for a LAN party.

The Chicago LAN is an annual event for these older gamers. As a fellow community member, I’ve got to tip my hat to the quality content in the coverage. Hopefully, next year, I can go too.


Rock Band 2 Trailer – Foo FightersRock Band 2 Trailer – Foo Fighters

If you’re a rock band fan, you’ll want to checkout their new hype wagon trailer. Nothing new here, really, looks like they’ve added some “70’s style” effects to the character animations on certain areas. The Rock Band 2 title seems to adopt much from its original game in terms of graphics, rendering and overall design.

Notice the fret board looks the same, they’re sticking with the “square” pattern matching boxes for playing specific notes/beats. Some folks prefer the Guitar Hero “circle” patterns but so be it, they’re sticking with their current design. Hopefully, they’ll glow the hammer-ons or make them a bit more apprant because many Guitar Hero folks have a steep learning curve with the smaller notes for hammer-ons.

Mega Man 9 – Actual Teaser FootageMega Man 9 – Actual Teaser Footage

Here is the first teaser footage, badly encoded with tons of words overlying the action but you get the idea. It’s total 8-bit retro feel with classic NES style sound effects. This instantly rockets you back to your youth in front of the cartridged based square box of an entertainment system.

Is this going to have lasting appeal? Will development shops open up to re-create the retro style gaming platforms on new hardware? This WiiWare title should do well considering it is new content created using the old virtual console NES look and feel. If gamers are eating up classics this should do extremely well.

Or, is this effort a total waste of time. Mega Man fans should fall in love as Mega Man 9 is like going 80’s style..

Call of Duty 5: World At War TrailerCall of Duty 5: World At War Trailer

One thing Activision does very well with the Call of Duty series is making you feel like you’re part of the war and not just a gamer. It may be the coloring, the life-like environments, explosions or movie-style filtering, whatever it is makes their series feel like a world at war.

Now, we’re heading back to WWII but from a brand new perspective, the Pacific Theatre. Why did it take so long to produce a game in this area of the world? Our guess, to gain the intensity and power of the battle we needed higher end console/pc processors to properly render the jungles, waters and terrains in a life-like manner.

Or, maybe nobody thought of it? In any case this is a must buy game for myself and probably many others, regardless to multi-player capabilities. World at War will be released for Wii, PS3, PS2, Xbox 360, and PC.

Summoner GeeksSummoner Geeks

One of the best “viral videos” of it’s time, Summoner Geeks shows people what D&D players are really like in the wild. The video plays upon many of the crazy scenarios in a typical Dungeons and Dragons session including the guy with no clue, the guy who changes his character sheet when it feels like it, that dude that argues about what their character did early when a problem arises now.

For those non D&D people, this is what it’s like being a true dork. Live it, love it. For our full rant on Summoner Geeks and viral videos checkout the TD Gaming Podcast Episode 74.