Tag: Show Notes

Gaming Podcast 147: DramaGaming Podcast 147: Drama

This week we’re talking about some gaming news, TV and media, flashing back to Marble Madness and looking at the historical development career of one Mark Cerny. Here are this weeks news links:

Not only do we hate Halloween, but we’re asking another question of the week: what game are you looking forward to for the holidays?

Gaming Podcast 144: SpecificityGaming Podcast 144: Specificity

This week we’re delving into the news with focused specificity. Okay, we just wanted to use the word. We’re traveling back to the days of Might and Magic and covering the history of New World Computing. For news, we’re tackling a couple top stories including:

We’ve got some great community questions, great suggestions for board games converted to video games and have a new question, will you buy into Project Natal and Sony’s PS3 solution to console transitions with the “wand?”

Gaming Podcast 142: HatecastGaming Podcast 142: Hatecast

This episode brings the hate, sarcasm and skepticism in all that is gaming news. We’re also super charged with a gaming flashback on Autoduel and the history of Origin Systems, Inc. But, what really brings it all together is the news of the week:

This week’s question of the week is quite simple: any board games that need to be re-created as a video game?

Gaming Podcast 136: The Wumpus EpisodeGaming Podcast 136: The Wumpus Episode

This week’s gaming podcast is all about energy, excitement and enough Warcraft news to make you want to throw up in your own mouth. However, we sugar coat it with lots of other news, great community comments and we’re flashing back to Age of Empires while taking a little time to remember the man behind the Wumpus. This weeks news includes:

This week we’re asking the question, what key selling points are needed to sell someone on an Xbox 360 considering the fact that they’d love exclusive FPS titles for the console.

Gaming Podcast 132: I Like To Hit You With My SackGaming Podcast 132: I Like To Hit You With My Sack

This week we’ve got Doug aboard with the cast as well, he’s a regular on the Everyday Drinkers Podcast. We’re chatting about some of the recent game news, hitting the community comments hard and tackling some of lifes meaningful questions. This week’s gaming flashback includes Baseball Stars for the Nintendo Entertainment system and, in our gaming history… who is Jane Jensen?

This week’s question of the week is simple: Do video game delays effect your buying decisions?

Gaming Podcast 131: An Inner Ear ProblemGaming Podcast 131: An Inner Ear Problem

We’re back! This week we’re hitting some fun news articles and kicking it back with a little gaming flashback about Columns. We also break the news about our brand new console that we purchased last week before vacation and touch on KOEI in our gaming history. This weeks news includes:

This weeks question, we’re wondering what your break point is for purchasing a console or a video game, is there a magic number where you finally break down to buy it?

Gaming Podcast 126: Wii-niss EnvyGaming Podcast 126: Wii-niss Envy

This week we’re finishing our E3 reactions along with our reaction to the recent iPhone/iPod Touch news and their new gaming initiative. Our gaming flashback flies back to After Burner and our game history is all about Yu Suzuki a huge SEGA developer. The news this week includes:

  • podcast-200x200Some of the big announcements from Sony’s E3 Press Conference
  • Some of the big announcements from Nintendo’s E3 Conference
  • Microsoft envisions 10 year lifespan for Xbox 360
  • Activision Disappointed by no price cuts at E3
  • Michael Pachter thinks the motion control from Sony and Microsoft won’t topple the Wii
  • iPhone/iPod Touch 3.0 Firmware enhances gaming features

Don’s question of the week, what is your favorite controller and what game controller do you hate the most? Thanks for the GREAT responses to last weeks question, so many creative answers.

Gaming Podcast 123: Sega Super Master?Gaming Podcast 123: Sega Super Master?

This weekend was rough and, as a result, this gaming podcast has an epic number of bloopers. A death in the family had us running all over the place and heading to family events. However, we pushed through and put out an episode which includes some history on Altered Beast and a look back at Eugene Jarvis.

This weeks news includes:

This weeks Question of the Week is a trivia question from Don dealing with these nanites and such… you’ll have to listen to get the context!

Gaming Podcast 120: Bringing The FiddleGaming Podcast 120: Bringing The Fiddle

This week we read off some of our Audience Survey Dislikes and requests while plowing through some great community comments. We self-analyze Don to see if he’s really a freak based on some community feedback while tackling some news:

We’re also taking a flashback peak at Return to Pirate Island and a bit of history on Scott Adams, the interactive fiction game developer (not the Dilbert guy). This week’s question is a reverse take on last weeks, thanks to Jonah Falcon: What games did you give up on, due to difficulty, despite wanting to see how it ended?

TD Gaming Podcast 110: Early ReleaseTD Gaming Podcast 110: Early Release

It’s almost a two gaming podcast week as we’re releasing this episode “wicked early” — sorry, we’re from New England. Derrick’s heading off to Germany on business and we’d hate to miss a week because of the trip, so here you go. This week we flash back to Pac-Man, cover some gaming history on Disney Interactive Studio and plow through some game news:

This week we’re asking the listeners the question, do you believe Microsoft will be successful opening a retail chain? We also handle a few user comments including one regarding Don’s rapping career or lack of a career.