Tag: world of warcraft

Episode 319: Someone Is Butt-Hurt About MicrosoftEpisode 319: Someone Is Butt-Hurt About Microsoft

There’s no Gaming Flashback or Gaming History, but there is a crapton of news this week on TD Gaming Podcast, which Jonah Falcon and Jordan Lund eagerly read.

That, and Jordan really wants to know what you have been playing.

The news this week includes:

  • Microsoft officially announces indie self-publishing, to be unveiled at GamesCom 2013
  • Phil Fish explodes on Twitter, cancels Fez II in a huff
  • Shadow of the Eternals back on Kickstarter, no longer episodic
  • Neil Gaiman has announced his first videogame, Wayward Manor
  • Lanning: Nintendo will be around for “100 years,” but probably not Zynga or Microsoft
  • Activision-Blizzard buys out $8.2B of its own stock from Vivendi
  • Paid subscribership of World of Warcraft down to 7.7M

All this and Listener feedback.

Episode 312: Dare You To Press the ButtonEpisode 312: Dare You To Press the Button

This week’s episode is the final episode before E3, and next week, an outtakes episode filled with Dr. Who and Game of Thrones discussion will run. After that, we’ll have some serious E3 2013 discussion, especially about what happens with Microsoft and Sony in particular.

No Gaming Flashback, but news includes:

  • Pachter predicts $349 for PS4, $399 for Xbox One
  • World of Warcraft movie ‘begins shooting‘ in Q1 2014
  • Robert Bowling’s Robotoki raided by LAPD, mistake COD figure as armed intruder
  • Documentary seeks to unearth 3.5M E.T. cartridges from landfill
  • Oculus Rift developer Andrew Scott Reisse, 33, killed as bystander in police chase
  • Shadow of the Eternals Kickstarter fundraising struggling

All that and Listener Feedback.

Episode 297: Intendo With An IEpisode 297: Intendo With An I

[Note: Due to a mic issue, some of the podcast is slightly distorted.]

This week’s podcast was recorded a day early due to schedule conflicts, but we make up for it with an actual Gaming Flashback this week of one of the most famous recent RPGs, Knights of the Old Republic.

In addition, there’s a ton of news:

  • Brad Wardell states RTS’s aren’t dying – just waiting
  • Microsoft considered buying Sega at one point
  • UK: Wii U sells just 34,000 pieces of software in January
  • Next World of Warcraft update to arrive in the “coming weeks”
  • thatgamecompany had been bankrupt when Journey shipped
  • Report: Next-gen Xbox will feature Siri-like voice recog
  • Ubisoft plans new Assassin’s Creed game for 2013/14, set in a new time period

All that plus Reader Feedback and a Question of the Week: “What was the first roleplaying game you enjoyed?”

Episode 282: Resident Paul 6Episode 282: Resident Paul 6

This week’s episode is light on news but heavy on features, as the Gaming Flashback checks out the coin-op arcade racer Omega Race while the Gaming History looks at the failed GameBoy Micro.

This week’s news includes:

  • Resident Evil 6 on-disc DLC unlocked by modders
  • Sony sues Kevin Butler actor for appearing in Wii commercial
  • World of Warcraft cities laid waste by first level priest

We also have a single Reader Feedback and the Question of the Week is, “What is your game purchase in the Fall season with the highest priority?”

Episode 281: Weeyoo SeepeeyooEpisode 281: Weeyoo Seepeeyoo

In this long episode of Gaming Podcast, the show runs long because of the tons of entries made to win a Steam code of XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Paul gets upset at Jonah for a topic about the Wii U, while Dan is delighted to say the F-word again. The latest Gaming Flashback is about the oldest coin-op arcade game from 1971, Galaxy Game.

The news includes the following items:

  • Sony drops 3D support, saying customers rejected it
  • Oddworld creator to EA: “F— you very much”
  • Wii U launch developer complains of lackluster CPU
  • Mists of Pandaria sales below expectations according to analyst firm
  • Microsoft enhances security at Xbox offices to stop next-gen leak

Finally, Paul eulogizes Nintendo Power, which is closing its doors after 24 years.

Episode 236: Now With PandasEpisode 236: Now With Pandas

This week, Paul is not around, as Jonah Falcon and Jordan Lund discuss the latest news, which includes pandas. Lots and lots of pandas. That, and a Gaming History profile on David Crane.

The news this week includes:

  • World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria announced
  • Sony: April PSN outage has resulted in improved service
  • Deep Silver: “There is a clear technology gap
  • Starcraft II DOTA mod will remain free but monetized
  • “Literally, there’s three of us” on console Diablo III
  • Minecraft dev wins interim injunction over Scrolls name

With that is Reader Mail and the Queston of the Week: What was your favorite Atari 2600 game?

Gaming Podcast Episode 216: Goodbye, Farewell, and AmenGaming Podcast Episode 216: Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen

The TD Gaming Podcast heads to an uncertain future, as the TD Gaming Podcast will be closing its run with this cast. Derrick Schommer explains the reason that he and Jennifer will no longer be able to support the podcast, and thank the fans for their devoted support.

So, for old time’s sake, Derrick and Jonah Falcon cover the past week’s news:

  • Firelands is now live on World of Warcraft‘s Public Test Realm
  • New R18+ guidelines drawn up
  • Kojima: This year has become meaningless
  • Chinese labour camp prisoners forced to play MMOs

We also cover the reader feedback over the past couple of weeks, and the Question of the Week is: what would you like to see happen to the podcast?

If this is the truly the last Gaming Podcast, thanks for your support and praise.

Blizzard Offering Free Trial of Auction House AppBlizzard Offering Free Trial of Auction House App

There are many World of Warcraft players who basically play half their game in the auction house. I personally know of a gamer who has made thousands of gold pieces buying and selling there (*cough* Derrick). The only problem these people have is that they only have so many hours in the day to log in to World of Warcraft to run auction house sessions.

Their problems are over (or just beginning, depending on your point of view.)

Blizzard has announced that they’re giving a free trial of their new Auction House app that allows you to check in on Auction Houses remotely from your iOS device. As the ad states, it’ll allow you to “buy, sell, chat – anytime, anywhere”, which is a very scary thought for WoW widows. (Unless, of course, those significant others are also WoW gamers.)

Another app allows remote guild chatting, which is nice when you want to be in contact with your guild 24 hours a day, too.

The app will charge $2.99 a month after the free trial. Check both apps out here.

(Thanks, RPS.)

Gaming Podcast 160: Latchkey KidGaming Podcast 160: Latchkey Kid

This weeks gaming podcast includes community feedback, game flashbacks to FX Fighter for the PC and gaming history about Hideo Kojima. The gaming news of the week includes, but is not limited to:

  • Madden NFL heading to Facebook
  • Sony Thinking of Charging for PSN
  • Web Access To WoW Auction House
  • Profits are up for Square Enix
  • Learn to do Karate on the Wii

This week’s question of the week is pretty simple: What’s “the best” video game to movie that you’ve seen?

Gaming Podcast 136: The Wumpus EpisodeGaming Podcast 136: The Wumpus Episode

This week’s gaming podcast is all about energy, excitement and enough Warcraft news to make you want to throw up in your own mouth. However, we sugar coat it with lots of other news, great community comments and we’re flashing back to Age of Empires while taking a little time to remember the man behind the Wumpus. This weeks news includes:

This week we’re asking the question, what key selling points are needed to sell someone on an Xbox 360 considering the fact that they’d love exclusive FPS titles for the console.