Many of us, Wave Race fans have been looking for a Wii wave racing title for a year now with no talk of expanding the franchise. We’ve got a Wii Fit board, we’ve got motion controls, the only thing we’re missing is Wave Race.
Apparently a Wave Race style game can be found in Wii Sports Resort “power cruising” mode. This experience is supposed to be more involved than initially thought and provide us with our Wave Race fix, can that be true?
Every mini-game series Nintendo releases is a stripped down almost-cooked version of a real game. They tend to be a controller prototype to show off the motion control concepts. Why would “power cruise” be like Wave Race in depth when the game is about the entire “Wii Sports Resort” experience. Is every mini-game going to be a full blown title?
If so, this wouldn’t be a “mini” game experience! The entire concept of mini is thrown out the window if the title is really a bunch of mini-games plus a full Wave Race franchise title. Perhaps the “deep” title their talking about is simply a mini-game with a few more buttons and nobs to twist? The big issue with the pack-in mini-games tends to be very basic games with few modes of play, difficulty settings or other options.
(Thanks, Kotaku)
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