Month: July 2008

Activision Blizzard Official, Merger CompleteActivision Blizzard Official, Merger Complete

The deal has been done, you can now officially call the company Activision Blizzard. Sure, the name is sorta lame but it does cover the bases… they’re Activision and they’re Blizzard; surely neither company wanted to lose their lively hood and branding.

We’re now looking at a company that’s more powerful than Electronic Arts, surely this worries Electronic Arts a bit. However, consumers like ourselves should be cheering for more competition against the big EA, perhaps forcing them to innovate a bit more and keep competitive.

Many gamers and industry participants would love to see independent companies grab a bit of the market share and bring in new startup companies and spin-off studios. However, if there is going to be a merger at the top-tier it might as well be one that puts pressure on Electronic Arts.

“We have created the world leader in online and console games with this transaction, and the combined strengths of the two businesses offer immense growth potential,” gushed Vivendi SA CEO Jean-Bernard Levy. “I am also very confident that, with the new leadership team in place, the new entity is perfectly positioned to take advantage of these rapidly developing markets across the globe.” (gamespot)

Now, we’ll have to wait and see if the upper level management can get along in a fluid manner and keep all their projects on track. With great power comes great responsibility, they’ve got the power… are they going to be responsible with it?

Mega Man 9, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 ConfirmedMega Man 9, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 Confirmed

Capcom has finally come out and stated Mega Man 9 will indeed be available on the PlayStation 3 (PSN) and Xbox 360 (Xbox Live). Capcom may be making a great move by providing everyone the ability to play their new retro title in download form. The game is definitely going to be a smaller title with a niche appeal, you really want to gain as much access to gamers as possible.

Although WiiWare is a great staging point for a new/old franchise there is absolutely nothing wrong with expanding it to the other consoles, even the PlayStation 3, giving all gamers the choice of which platform to purchase the title for.

In many ways, a console gamer with all consoles can chose the version of Mega Man 9 which will provide them the best “controller” experience. You want to play on an Xbox 360 controller? Great! Perhaps the Wii classic controller is more your style? Fine! Wanna stick with the proven PlayStation controller? Excellent!

Hopefully we’ll get a sense of which console moves the most downloads for Mega Man 9, as this will define who gets great gaming DLC in the future. Oddly enough, it might be the Xbox 360 because of its console sales count and total attach rate, even though the Wii has huge volume of users they don’t purchase very many games (if any).

(Thanks, Kotaku)

Video Games Are Entertaining, E3, Not So MuchVideo Games Are Entertaining, E3, Not So Much

Most folks in the game industry are already writing off E3 as an actual event to be attending. Even Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter is calling it “virtually useless” for both retail and investors. The writing is on the wall and the reasons are obvious.

Publishers and developers didn’t want to invest the millions of dollars to make E3 a glamour show of epic proportions anymore. The lights, camera and action are all what the industry is about; the hype wagon in full steam. Gamers eat up the hype, bloggers and journalist rely on the hype and action to build readership and keep them coming back for more and retail uses it to gauge new releases and get a grip of the future.

Without the entertainment value of E3 nobody seems to care anymore. Large scale gaming entertainment is reflected in the large scale events and, at the end of the day, we want our conferences and shows to reflect the emotion and exciting of the industry.

“E3 had much more of an impact when it was a show,” comments vice president of games content Tal Blevins. “The video game industry is about fun and entertainment, and we should have a show that reflects it.” (gamasutra)

Everyone is sad to see the state of E3, it’s like a cancer patient waiting for their final diagnosis. It’s unfortunate, it’s going to get worse and life will go on without it. In its wake, new shows will crop up while old shows increase in audience, excitement, intensity and cost.

As one show begins to fade others will grow to replace it and developers will yet again find themselves spending millions of dollars to be the best of show.

Rock Band 2, Song Tracks and InstrumentsRock Band 2, Song Tracks and Instruments

The latest news on the Rock Band 2 front covers the instruments and a few confirmed song tracks. There have been rumors flying around the Internet about the “leaked song tracks” for the next release with absolutely no confirmation. Now, however, we have solid proof on some tracks and some equipment changes.

First, all instruments are backwards compatible. That’s key to the success of Rock Band because fans of the original ponied up a lot of bones to grab themselves the original Rock Band kit. However, there is an incentive to upgrade your equipment in some regards.

If you like the original Rock Band guitar you’re going to love the new one if only for the color updates, wood grain and actual look and feel of a real guitar not a “toy.” As you’d expect (or hope) the new guitar will be wireless, finally, and will have a sturdy strum bar with even quieter buttons. Wireless alone is a great selling point but quiet buttons is important for folks like me who play the guitar like it was a jackhammer and can easily interrupt the drummers concentration during a difficult set.

The drum kit has been improved as well, with a re-enforced foot pedal to avoid the ease of breaking the plastic “toy” version of Rock Band original. As a person who’s busted up their drum petal and forked out cash on eBay for a wood solution, this is more great news. The drum kit will also be wireless which is great for those of you, like myself, who have kids that run through your line of site or dance while you’re playing. Nobody likes their Xbox 360 being flung off the shelve due to tripped cords.

The drum kit will have quieter pads and a velocity sensor; again, your old kit is still usable without these enhancements but the desire to upgrade if you’re a dedicated fan will be high.

The song tracks currently confirmed:

  • “Panic Attack” — Dream Theater
  • “Chop Suey” — System of a Down
  • “Everlong” — Foo Fighters
  • “Kids in America” — The Muffs
  • “Give it Away” — Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • “Ace of Spades” — Motörhead
  • “Hello There” — Cheap Trick
  • “Pump it Up” — Elvis Costello
  • “Anyway You Want It” — Journey
  • “Pinball Wizard” — The Who

This is a great indication to where Rock Band 2 is going, mixing up a great selection of artists with classic hits like Anyway You Want It and Pinball Wizard to newer late generation X music like Give it Away and Chop Suey. Talented artists like Dream Theater are sure to keep Rock Band 2 a challenge to all gamers.

Other great improvements being a World Tour mode now accessible online and the removal of the “Band Leader” concept which always locked you into an instrument once you created a band.

NOTE: Xbox 360 will have a timed exclusive on Rock Band 2, arriving later in the year for the Nintendo Wii and PlayStation 3.

Checkout the full feature set so far explained at Kotaku.

Are Game Controllers Too Complicated?Are Game Controllers Too Complicated?

The same company that brought us the NES Advantage has proven the Wii control scheme isn’t as bad as critics speculated. The beauty of adding the “waggle” technology is limiting your button count to a reasonable level without overwhelming gamers.

We’re seeing casual gaming on the rise both in the press and in the public. Yet, each “next generation” console brings new features and functionality to the consoles, games and accessories. Since NES birthed the SNES we’ve seen button count increase on controllers.

Nintendo has usually been conservative on buttons, trying to work “shape” over sheer volume of buttons, barring the C button count on the N64 controller. Nintendo controllers change shape with each generation and they’ve evolved, not innovated, their way around with the Wii control scheme. Each function of the controller exists, on its own, in other products but nobody has built a fully functional controller in such a way for a game console until now.

Sony took pieces of this concept in their PS3 controller and its ability to detect “tilt.” Xbox 360 stuck with the beefy controller with lots of buttons and analog sticks. Not just a D-Pad but two analog sticks and a ton of buttons to press, some pressure sensitive as well. What of our next-generation console? Maybe a few new buttons?

Or, maybe a few new motions? Wii evolved the control scheme and Sony validated their decision, what’s next? Are the controllers just too damn complicated in today’s world? Or, perhaps limiting the buttons brings in more gamers, like Grandma and Grandpa, to play your console as well.


PopCap’s Peggle Hits Retail ShelvesPopCap’s Peggle Hits Retail Shelves

Since the release of Peggle on February 2007, gamers around the world have caught on to the addictive casual game. Now those that didn’t download Peggle on Steam, or other electronic download site can buy at packed boxed version in retail outlets!

Peggle hits retail stores and the world will never be the same! You can download it for your ipod, on your PC and on your Macintosh but never before could you purchase it in a local store. Although, it seems, boxed casual games are the rarity, not the norm, the more outlets a developer like PopCap gets the better.

MSNBC listed Peggle in the top five most addicting games of all times, PC gamers couldn’t get enough and, eventually, Xbox Live gamers will have that same experience. If you’ve never played Peggle I suggest you run out and buy it when it arrives in retail stores… or just buy it online the way you could do for the last year and some change…


60GB Xbox 360 Rumor Flows60GB Xbox 360 Rumor Flows

The current rumor is “later this month” Microsoft will announce a 60GB model of the Xbox 360 and phase out the old 20GB product line. This was intercepted (read: leaked) from an e-mail Microsoft sent to gamestop and Blockbuster, so you can only take it as “rumor” until a real announcement.

This new SKU would make the gap between 20GB (small) and the 120GB (big) smaller, allowing for consumers to pick a product in the middle without spending needless cash on the 120GB version. The larger disk is great for media downloads, movie rentals on Xbox Live, but for the typical gamer it might be a bit over-done. However, with Rock Band and Guitar Hero having downloadable content (DLC) having 20GB is getting harder each month.

The e-mail went on to say that stand-alone purchase of the 60GB hard disk would retail for $99.99. Great news, unless you recently purchased a full priced 20GB disk. The 120GB disk would also reduce by $30.00 in response.

Believe it or not, it’s a rumor that continues to flow from multiple sources. Undoubtedly Microsoft is going to deny anything about it until they actually want to announce it.

(Thanks, 1up)

TD Gaming Podcast 78: Isometric EmotionsTD Gaming Podcast 78: Isometric Emotions

This weeks gaming podcast, emotions run wild while we talk about our initial reactions to Diablo 3’s isometric engine, gaming graphics and overall Diablo experiences. Doug admits to owning two copies of Diablo 2, but doesn’t really know why.

This weeks news round up:

We take a stroll down memory lane and talk about River Raid for the Atari 2600 and also cover some more history on RPG’s including Magic The Gathering.

Don’t forget to DIGG IT!

Guitar Hero: On Tour Experience WebsiteGuitar Hero: On Tour Experience Website

Guitar Hero: On Tour has launched a newly designed website dedicated to the On Tour experience. You can listne to the songs from the game, download new skins for your “controller” grip and learn a bit about the game.

The site is the landing point for the On Tour game, is very flashy and pays tribute to the typical guitar hero series websites with crazy animations and moving pictures. Of course you’ll find downloadable features for your computer such as wallpapers, icons and avatars.

Overall, it brings a bit more presence to the Guitar Hero experience for DS gamers around the world.

Elebits 2 Announced for Nintendo DSElebits 2 Announced for Nintendo DS

How odd to release the sequel to a fun Wii game on a hand held device over the original platform. Introducing,  Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero. Sure, the DS is a great staging point for an Elebits style game, but what happened to the Wii platform?

Video game attachment rate, that’s what happened to the Wii version. Konami has chosen to launch the second franchise title on the platform that sells more games. Unlike the Wii, the DS sells both hardware and software while the Wii sells accessories and consoles.

If the Wii could move hardware and attach software with the sale they may have a more stable launching point for other video game titles, both casual and hardcore. Perhaps Wii Sports was the worse thing that could have happened to Wii because Nintendo can’t get us to buy other games. For the most part, the Wii and the bundled game is worth the money; we need no other games.

Konami, a company that makes “other games,” probably wants to see higher volumes of sales. Now, we’ll have to wait until Fall of 2008 to get the DS release of Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero, unless you’ve got a Wii and no hand held DS system than you’re out of luck! But, apparently nobody buys Wii games anyway so the chances are, neither would you…
