Day: September 27, 2008

Xbox 360’s Fable 2: No Online Co-Op In BoxXbox 360’s Fable 2: No Online Co-Op In Box

Much like Kameo: Elements of Power, Fable 2 ships without online co-op mode on day-one. However, Kameo didn’t promise the co-op mode prior to the games release, or talk about it in their presentations and hype machine conferences.

How does that happen? It’s easy to promise a feature but words do not make games true. More than likely the online co-op was a bit more complicated or had some bugs that needed to be shaken out prior to shipping. Microsoft is talking about releasing a patch for the new co-op play on the first week or so of the game release.

There are two options: ship a product that’s buggy and deal with the online PR nightmare with bugs and day-one patches, or, ship it without the feature and promise it early in the launch phase of the game. Once the code is complete, game software has to go through the packing, duplication and shipping phase. A lot of last minute testing can get done in the time it takes to produce the boxed product.

Hopefully Microsoft is doing some last minute testing to make a more reliable presentation of online co-op which everyone can use. However if it releases with a bunch of bugs…

(Thanks, GameSpot)

Activision’s Dance Hero?Activision’s Dance Hero?

Konami’s working on Rock Revolution in a battle of the band… games, against Rock Band and the Guitar Hero franchise. Activision, now, may be attacking Konami’s current dancing title Dance Dance Revolution with a new dancing franchise known as Dance Hero.

The US Patent and Trademark Office now has on file, an application by Activision to trademark “Dance Hero.” This news doesn’t solidify any real title but tell us their design teams are kicking around some new ideas to attack their competitors turf.

In January 2007, Activision trademarked “Guitar Villain” and “Drum Villain”, with no sign of a game bearing either handle having yet surfaced. This past February, it locked down rights to the title “DJ Hero” without announcing a new product, although rumors of a turntable-based mash-up game bearing the name are beginning to bubble up. (gamespot)

Does another dancing game sound interesting?