Gaming Podcast 124: Waggle Controls

This week’s Memorial Day podcast has very few stories but we managed to pack it full of content including the long awaited Punch-Out Wii review! The news includes:

  • podcast-200x200Mass Effect 2 Information Leaked
  • Nintendo Releasing All Three Metroid Games on one disc
  • Nintendo’s CEO Satoru Iwata Says, No Sense In Complaining About Used Game Sales

We also hit up some listener comments, learn a bit about nanites, checkout some gaming history on Track & Field all while popping out a new weekly question: Will you buy a video game compilation that includes updated old games with new functionality like “Waggle” controls?

0 thoughts on “Gaming Podcast 124: Waggle Controls”

  1. Great segment on the track and field game on NES. I think it was bundled with the console at one point. Great memories.

    Have you ever covered Afterburner on the gaming history? That used to be my favorite arcade game.

    My problem with compilation games for the Wii is that they usually aren’t designed with the Wii controls in mind.

  2. Waiting on games: I do this as well like Mass Effect. I waited long enough it came down to 19.99 and comes with DLC instead of paying the 50 to 60 when it first came out. Hence Fallout 3 GOTY edition comes out this fall with all the DLC.

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