Gaming Podcast 135: Raging On World of Warcraft

This week we’re reporting some news but we’re really raging on some World of Warcraft expansion rumors that raise the heat in the studio. Is it going to be worth it? Does it matter if you finished the last expansion? What exactly do you consider an expansion? So many questions. The news includes:

This weeks gaming flashback is a little adventure game known as Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Cartridge and our question of the week is simple: Will the World of Warcraft expansion get you to re-buy into the WoW experience?

0 thoughts on “Gaming Podcast 135: Raging On World of Warcraft”

  1. If I were a subscriber, I’d leap at the chance to be a Human Hunter, but … no. Just… no. Every time I get the urge to play World of Warcraft, I realize I’d be grinding again, trying to find parties, deal with 10 year olds, etc. and I’m instantly cured of the desire to play.

  2. Previous expansions didn’t get me back into the game (and if anything, made the default game feel less worthwhile to me), so… no. This won’t win me over. (But in the interest of full disclosure, I’ve never stayed with any one MMO long enough to run out of unfamiliar content, so the whole MMO expansion issue is a moot one for me personally.)

    On an unrelated note, I believe it was called “fog of war,” not “cloud of war.”* (At least where Warcraft II was concerned. Also, disabling didn’t show you where the people were, it just stopped indicating [via shading or lack thereof] how far you could actively “see” at any given moment. [Unless you’re referring to the cheat that revealed the entire map. Which you couldn’t use during multiplayer anyway.])

    (* – Though it should be noted that Warcraft III had a quest called “Cloud of War”, which is probably why it’s referred to as such in World of Warcraft, even though I don’t recall there being such an effect in the MMO. [This clarification add after some brief Googling…])

  3. In Regards to the Question of the Week
    I have a few friends that play WOW, but the question for me is: Is this enough to make you buy WOW?. Yeah =/ I missed the boat on that one. The Reason wasn’t that I dislike the game at all, I think blizzard is a awesome game developer, I just got caught up in another MMORPG which took a couple of years to get out of the addiction. The game was indeed runescape (pretty bad ay). Why I choose cutting wood and Crit for 41 instead for 4100 I don’t know. I guess the main factor was RS and WOW is a very time consuming game and I didn’t want to Start such a massive game from scratch so late. I’m a little hesitated to start another MMORPG cuz I don’t know if I have the time anymore and forever evolving game are hard to beat or be satisfied with your character. But then again is WOW better than playing Final fantasy/fall out for 100’s of hours by your self?
    So my question to you is: Is WOW a experience that I should experience? and what are your Pros and Cons about the game? In the mean time I’ll will hold my decision and paly fire fight ={)

  4. The difference between 100 hours of Fallout 3 vs. 100 hours of WoW is that you’ve got a very impressive character after 100 hours of Fallout 3. (WoW, not so much. Unless you’re a veteran of the game [in which case, include THOSE hours], or are helped out by someone else with a ton of hours logged.])

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