Gaming Podcast 144: Specificity

This week we’re delving into the news with focused specificity. Okay, we just wanted to use the word. We’re traveling back to the days of Might and Magic and covering the history of New World Computing. For news, we’re tackling a couple top stories including:

We’ve got some great community questions, great suggestions for board games converted to video games and have a new question, will you buy into Project Natal and Sony’s PS3 solution to console transitions with the “wand?”

0 thoughts on “Gaming Podcast 144: Specificity”

  1. Overall, i’m not excited for motion controls, but i do have to admit the more i see and hear about Natal it looks really cool. With that being said, do i want to be playing halo holding an air gun? No. If it was a built in option such as online play or as a downloadable pack that’d be awesome and i’m all for that. The reason why i dont pick up my Wii as often is that after a hard day at the gym or work, is that I really just want to mash buttons.

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