Day: October 27, 2009

Gaming Podcast 145: Best of Both WorldsGaming Podcast 145: Best of Both Worlds

This week we’re flashing back to Metroid II for the Game Boy, something new and different from the normal arcade/console/pc flashbacks. We’re also tackling a good deal of community comments and hitting up the news wire:

  • Netflix coming to PS3.
  • Analysts think DJ Hero demand is below expectations
  • iPhone developers next victims of piracy
  • Nintendo releasing new bigger DSi in Japan
  • Players of Chinese MMO must play character of the same gender

We didn’t get to cover history this week because we had lots of back-and-forth arguing about Netflix and the PS3 and rants upon DJ Hero and its “obvious” low-demand. This weeks question of the week, are there any good sim games left that are simple?