This week we’re creating our last gaming podcast before Christmas, no holiday break for us! We’re reading some of our community comments and taking a look back at both Pac-Land and the history of Atari post-2600 release. This weeks news includes:
- Blizzard’s Next-Gen MMO Codenamed “Titan”
- EA CEO John Riccitiello Blasts Activision, Treyarch
- PS3 Price Cut Coming?
- 4 of 10 Internet Users Playing Casual Games
This week’s question of the week is really simply, have a good holiday. Unless you want to answer the question, “where do you roast your chestnuts for the holidays?”
Sorry I’ve not posted up in a couple of months, so I’d like to say well done for reaching, and now surpassing, 200 shows.
The quiz episode was well contested, though Jonah giving us the answers to questions that would follow afterwards must have meant the scoring was a little difficult. Well done Jennifer for controlling the boys! Farewell to Don, but I am sure we will hear regular contributions and possibly guest anchorage in the event of illness.
As we approach 2011, I wanted to give my predicitions, and ask what you think will happen.
1. Diablo 3 to launch…. November.
2. Kinect to be the must have item, only to fail due to lack of decent support and top title conversions.
3. Back to the Future episodic content to be excellent.
4. Nitendo to switch all focus and support to the 3DS and pretty much drop the Wii. Wii 2 to be announced in development.
5. PSP 2 and PSP Phone to have poor market penetration due to users not forgiving Sony for PSP 1 backing.
6. World of Warcraft to start losing subscriptions, due to players beginning to realise that although the world has been remade, the game is still the same, and plays the same.
My question of the week from 201 – The game that really surprised me from 2010 – I have 2 games in this category. The first is Duke Nukem Forever. The reason? More hype and resurrection of a game which should have died 10 years ago.
The second is Gran Turismo 5. The reason? It FINALLY came out. Sure there may be lots of complaints about only 20% of the cars being premium polished ones, but the game is still ahead of its time. This really is one of the reasons why 3D gaming works. It feels like the game was designed with 3D in mind, rather than tacked on afterwards.
Sorry I’ve not posted up in a couple of months, so I’d like to say well done for reaching, and now surpassing, 200 shows.
The quiz episode was well contested, though Jonah giving us the answers to questions that would follow afterwards must have meant the scoring was a little difficult. Well done Jennifer for controlling the boys! Farewell to Don, but I am sure we will hear regular contributions and possibly guest anchorage in the event of illness.
As we approach 2011, I wanted to give my predicitions, and ask what you think will happen.
1. Diablo 3 to launch…. November.
2. Kinect to be the must have item, only to fail due to lack of decent support and top title conversions.
3. Back to the Future episodic content to be excellent.
4. Nitendo to switch all focus and support to the 3DS and pretty much drop the Wii. Wii 2 to be announced in development.
5. PSP 2 and PSP Phone to have poor market penetration due to users not forgiving Sony for PSP 1 backing.
6. World of Warcraft to start losing subscriptions, due to players beginning to realise that although the world has been remade, the game is still the same, and plays the same.
My question of the week from 201 – The game that really surprised me from 2010 – I have 2 games in this category. The first is Duke Nukem Forever. The reason? More hype and resurrection of a game which should have died 10 years ago.
The second is Gran Turismo 5. The reason? It FINALLY came out. Sure there may be lots of complaints about only 20% of the cars being premium polished ones, but the game is still ahead of its time. This really is one of the reasons why 3D gaming works. It feels like the game was designed with 3D in mind, rather than tacked on afterwards.