Gaming Podcast 206: Drowning in PhlegmGaming Podcast 206: Drowning in Phlegm
This week we’re a bit sick, but the gaming podcast goes on regardless! We can’t seem to get away from the current hot topics of the week mostly involving Sony and hacking in the same sentences. This week’s news includes:
- Sony Sues Geohot and fail0verflow Team
- Professor Labels Sony’s Suit “Breathtakingly Stupid”
- UbiSoft’s Walfisz Frets About PS3 Piracy
- New PS3 Exploit Features Trophy Hacking
- Modern Warfare 2 “Unplayable” on PSN
- Blizzard: Heroic Cataclysm Dungeons Not Too Hard
- THQ May Continue Price Experiment On More Games
This week Jonah gives out his review on Plants vs. Zombies and Bejeweled Blitz for XBLA and, giving away his copy of Plants vs. Zombies for the DS. This weeks question of the week, are you going to get a Nintendo 3DS?