Month: February 2011

Gaming Podcast 211: Short and SweetGaming Podcast 211: Short and Sweet

This week we had to cut some segments short due to some work we’re doing on our house that had us tied up. We’re just doing up some news this week and community feedback. This weeks news includes:

And, here is the story about The Boy Who Stole Half-Life II. Here is our Question of the Week: Will all MMOs eventually follow a free-to-play model?

Gaming Podcast 210: Meretzky Ruined Our LivesGaming Podcast 210: Meretzky Ruined Our Lives

This week we’re flashing back to Grim Fandango and looking back at developer Steve Meretzky and his destruction of our lives in the social gaming space.

We’ve got other news this week which includes:

  • Activision Kills Guitar Hero
  • Blizzard Wants to Release Diablo III This Year
  • Crysis 2 and Killzone 3 Leaked On BitTorrent
  • CliffyB On Why Gears Is Still a 360 Exclusive
  • Ensemble Studios Founder: Age of Empires III a “Huge Mistake

The question of the week is: How many hours do you devote to video games, including social networking games?

Gaming Podcast 209: Subpoenaing ZeldaGaming Podcast 209: Subpoenaing Zelda

This weeks gaming podcast covers the top game news of the week, a flashback on the video game Gorf and some feedback from the listeners. This weeks news includes:

  • Reggie Fils-Aime Calls Low Priced Apps a “Threat” to the Industry
  • Verizon Stops Taking iPhone Preorders After 17 Hours
  • Harmonix Confirms Layoffs
  • Parent Group Attacks “Your Mom Will Hate Dead Space 2” Ad
  • Halo 1 Being Remade for 360?
  • Sony Wants More Defendants In Rootkey Case

This weeks question of the week: What older game do you want to see a modern remake of most?

Seven Games That Need to Be RemadeSeven Games That Need to Be Remade

With the strong rumor that Halo: Combat Evolved is going to be remade graphically from the ground up, it brings us to the question of why aren’t more games being remade? We’re not talking about reboots like the new emo Devil May Cry, or re-imaginings like the first person shooter XCOM. We’re talking about a true remake like you see endlessly from Square-Enix with its Final Fantasy games on the handhelds – they’re completely faithful to the original, save a new engine, graphics and occasionally an additional mission or two; the upcoming localization of Dragon Quest VI is a great example.

So, we’ve picked out seven games that desperately need a modern remake, sometimes due to their primitive graphics, sometimes due to their incompatibility with the current OS, or the fact you need to do some major tweaking to get them to run (unless does it for you, bless their souls.)

These games aren’t old or have already been remade, so you won’t see M.U.L.E., Sid Meier’s Pirates or Seven Cities of Gold – in fact, the oldest of the games is from 1994. You also won’t see games that require little work to be remade, which is why you won’t see Grim Fandango here, either. These games would require serious undertaking. The games also have to remain the same genre and style, so no Elder Scrolls version of Ultima IV, either.

Without further ado, here are five older games that desperately need a remake – in alphabetical order.


Gaming Podcast 208: Sony’s NGP RevealGaming Podcast 208: Sony’s NGP Reveal

We’re covering some of the NGP information, Sony’s new hand-held and trying to find the good and the bad for the hardware. With a market getting hit with smart phones, is there a place for the NGP? This week in the news we’ve got:

This week we flash back to the gaming impact created by one Garry Kitchen and ask the question of the week: Should Sony give up on the PS3 and release the PS4 as soon as possible?